Chapter 9 | Dreams or Memories?

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A/N: Luca's mansion above. Dang, wish I lived in a house like that. Btw, a really really long chapter ahead bc I got bored. :)

Indigo's POV-

"Humble abode" my ass. This place was a full on mansion.

The driveway we were standing on was made of perfectly cut cobblestone with hedges trimmed to perfection that made me want to weep for the poor gardener who cut them. Not to mention the jaw dropping fountain in the middle of the front yard, which, not surprisingly, was also surrounded by hedges. The Night's landscaper needed a fucking pay raise for all this effort.

As for the house itself, well I only have one word for it. Damn. The walls were made of this off white stucco, highlighted by the dark accents of the roof and windows. Speaking of windows, there was a shit ton of them. All of them graced with elegant curves and corners that I only wished I could have. How much fucking money did these hoes even have?

As if noticing my awestruck expression, Luca commented with a giant smirk plastered across is face, "You might wanna close your mouth unless you want to attract flies."

I stared him directly in his dark green eyes. "Good, bugs are a great source of protein." I deadpanned before sashaying across his driveway and making myself feel at home.

Or I would have done that if I currently didn't have a serious head wound and multiple injuries because of that stupid glass bottle. As soon as I took a step, my legs collapsed from under me and I felt myself crumpling forward.

I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact that never came. Strong arms encircled me and minty breath as cool as the night air tickled my neck, making me hyper aware of the boy who caught me. Luca's touch brought goosebumps along my arms, and I was currently thanking whoever the hell out in this world had given me the great idea to wear a sweater. Luca's face was only a few inches from mine, and his eyes flickered down to my lips for a split second.

Oh no, no, no. This ain't gonna work sis. I untangled myself from Luca's solid embrace and took a few needed steps back.

I nervously rubbed the back of my neck, feeling my hands connect with something sticky. "Umm, thanks for catching me."

Luca glanced worriedly at my hand when I brought it down from my neck. Huh, never thought Luca Night, bad boy and Fallen Angel himself, would look worried. Especially for me.

Luca said nothing in return, his attention still focused on my hand.

My head was starting to feel a little bit fuzzy, and the world was strong to spin again. I looked down at my hand only to see it stained red with my blood. What the fuck, I swear if I pass out again because a bottle fell onto my head...

The world grew too hazy for me to finish my little rant, and as everything went dark once more, I felt Luca pick me up bridal style and carry me into his house. His really rich and perfect house. And then, I drifted away into whatever my dumb mind dreamt up.

I was back at my old house, a bright white old fashioned home with columns decorating the front. Standing in the brightly lit foyer was my mother, a woman with my blonde hair and pale skin but cool blue eyes, so different from my own hazel ones. Hers have become used to the cold glares handed out like free candy by calculating businessmen and have hardened to fight relentlessly.

Positioned in front of her, only a few paces away from the wide oak doors was no other than my father and sister. Those asshats.

My father, a tall and slim man with greying brown hair and deceitful hazel eyes, was clenching his fists and holding himself back from something he might regret later. Something that would probably end up dirtying his oh so fashionable suit.

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