Chpapter 7 | Never Disrespect a Lady Dude

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A/N: Kana and Indigo's party outfits above. (Respectively.) FYI, long chapter ahead dudes.

Indigo's POV-

Getting ready at Kana's was... different to say the least.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY HAIR STRAIGHTENER! I LITERALLY JUST HAD IT!" Kana bellowed, nearly bursting my eardrums in the process.

She rummaged throughout her entire bathroom, leaving a trail of forgotten makeup products and random clothes. She shrieked in frustration, making me flinch slightly and swipe my hand slightly to far to the right and ruin my sad attempt at eyeliner. Great.

I sighed and grabbed the makeup wipes, making sure to get all the layers off my poor face. There's no point anymore in putting the stuff on, every time I try to do something to make me hotter I end up looking like a clown school dropout that became an underpaid porn star.

Kana was still searching for her straightener, scavenging through her piles and piles of clothes lying on the floor, flinging everything around her already messy room.

I checked myself out in the mirror, making sure I didn't look like total trash, as per usual. Kana momentarily paused her search to give me a begrudging nod of approval.

"You look great girl," she promised, "Like an adorable puppy."

Wow, that's such an accomplishment.

Maybe I should have gone with something a little more out there. Kana sure has plenty of outfits like that. But, I opted for something a little more me. My curly blonde hair was left rolling over a cute beige sweater. The sweater was tucked into a high waisted black skirt paired with thigh high black boots that made me look less like a conservative librarian and more like a catholic school girl trying too hard.

Well, you don't wanna over do it like Lav-

Don't even say it brain. It's best to forget about her. She is nothing but disappointment personified in a bitch's body.

A bitch that happens to be your sis-

Kana thankfully cut off my thought, shrieking, "Eureka!!" Standing in the middle of a ring made of her discarded garments stood the energetic girl, holding up her lost straightener proudly. The scene reminded me of the baboon from The Lion King holding up baby Simba. Kana stepped over the enormous mounds haphazardly, muttering the entire way, "How in the tic tac mcfrick frack did it get there?" She asked herself at one point.

She sashayed into the bathroom, grabbing her intended outfit for tonight and started to multitask like a boss. In one hand she held her straightener and in the other was a makeup brush, somehow managing to simultaneously to do her hair and makeup at the same time. I, on the other hand, was swinging my feet back and forth like a little kid in an upholstered chair that was in her room. Once she deemed herself worthy, Kana closed the door to put on her clothes.

When she stepped out, she had put on a black tube top, ripped skinny jeans, and a pair of black and white vans. She pulled off the whole 'I'm not a slut but I'll still steal your man' look pretty well.

After that, it was almost time to leave, so we hopped in my car and drove to the party. We only managed to get lost 3 times! It was a miracle, especially with two idiots who still have to do the hand trick to tell their left from their right driving.

At least we didn't crash.

Didn't you almost run into a stop sign? And nearly hit an old lady crossing the road?

But did we crash? No, I don't believe we did, so shut up brain.

We pulled up to a nicely lit street with cars parked up and down it. One house had multicolored lights streaming from the windows and loud music that made the sidewalk we now stood on thrum with its bass. A few people milled about the house's front yard, most with cups filled to the brim and were sloshing onto the grass. Looks like the plants are being watered thoroughly tonight. Or they might die of alcohol poisoning. Can plants even die from that?

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