Charlie's Angels (2019)

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Lots of laughs and entirely fun kickarse times.

The plot for this is a pretty standard spies-vs-spies thing. But it doesn't really matter because it is hilarious throughout. You've got these very cool chicks learning to get along whilst smashing a lot of things. There is some really gleeful and off-tap stuff here. Particularly from Kirsten Stewart, who feels like she's channelling just the right amount of Holtzmann from Ghostbusters 2016.

The dialogue is well hilarious. Of note are great sarcastic takedowns delivered with headbutts and elbows. The passion for bad guy, Australian Johnny is palpable. The handsome nerd delivers all your handsome nerd needs for the creation of appropriate chemical reactions. Professor X is a pretty good old guy, even if he did bring a bit of the Angels-as-X-men vibe to the film.

There is this epic and confusing conversation about Batman which I found hilarious. There is a hideout with a lot of cheese and a masseuse. There are like guns and weapons etc. Cars. All the bling. A dangerous device on its way to be weaponised by baddies. Look, there is nothing new here. But it is gorgeous, female and funny as hell.

There are a lot of female faces. A lot. And they get to do a range of cool and off tap things. Lots of shout outs to the younger generations. And lots of hints about the largeness of the Angel network.

More money, more problems.

J* gives it 4stars.

PS. Definitely feels like a kicking off film... as in "let's get this party started" and franchise again soon.

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