Upgrade (2018)

3 0 0

I'm a bit conflicted over this film. Firstly there is a lot to love. This is a sci-fi future flick, with self driving cars and what not. And our analog mechanic becomes a quadriplegic, then gets his chance to use his hands again. He gets an implant that controls his body and gets all vigilante on the hoods that killed his wife (and put him in the wheelchair.) That's the gist of the story.

In tone it is a bit like Ex Machina.... crossed with Venom. Some bits are super serious, and then some bits are off-tap. Because the implant chip is sort of an AI and sometimes it can take over control of his body totally, but only after they have a conversation about it. In that way it really does that Venom-feel quite well.

The fight sequences are outstanding, in that when the implant is in control there is this amazing vibe of sort of robot fighting. Real clipped and clinical and occasionally super horrific. If you like innovative fights, then I thought this delivered.

But there's a lot of wandering around just trying to find the bad guys, and unravelling the layers of complications. Double cross? All a dream? It's complicated?

It was really great in parts. But there were a lot of bits I didn't care about. Great premise, just didn't quite get there.

J* gives it 3 stars.

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