Hearts of Darkness (1991)

6 0 0

I love a great "making of" a film, but this was surprisingly sedate given all I'd ever heard about Apocalypse Now.

I think it's partly because the mythology around the making of this film has been brewing for so long, that when it all cracks open it doesn't feel as heavy as the tropical downpours that washed all the sets away.

Marlon Brando seemed nearly particular well behaved, and honestly, Coppola's "descent into madness" didn't really seem that full on, all things considering. Having his wife as a conversational diary entry type narrator was nice, and whilst the recorded interviews she made with him were good, they were never as shocking as I thought they could be.

It was also nice to hear Coppola himself say "the ending could never top the helicopters, the war, all that came before."

J* gives it 3 stars, but the lower edge 3 for this genre of film.

PS. Lost Soul: Making of Island Of Doctor Moreau is still in the lead for most amazing making of ever.... and to be fair only because that film is such a star-studded mess of a thing.

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