Anuvahood (2011)

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The UK hood accents/slang are so thick I sometimes thought they were speaking an entirely different language.

This is like a whole movie made about the guy in Offsprings "Pretty Fly for a White Guy" except this time he's deep English and living in the Block. His block, not that block next door. So he's a wannabe rapper/gansta who is trying to be a big man, hood. His misfit friends are sort of along for the ride on this, particularly, his main homie who is a hilarious lapdog of a human.

I don't really know much about how to explain the particular plot here. Oddball wannabe tries to make it? Cast of overdone characters interact? It gave me the vibes of an Australian cult comedy type thing, but done English. There were moments that were pretty funny and a lot of moments along that way that fell a little bit flat.

Worth it for all the fast talking ridiculousness, hood.

J* gives it 3 stars.

PS. Not nearly as great as Attack The Block for UK hood drama.

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