Lego Movie 2: the Second Part (2019)

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Everything's not awesome but that doesn't mean it's hopeless and bleak.

The first Lego movie was truly a piece de-resistance. It was wild and clever and had an epic reveal and complexity and layers, including two layers to that famous couch. This one is still pretty good. But what everyone wants to know is "is it as good as the first one?"

Not quite, no.

There's a lot more song and dance. I reckon it's a musical.

There's a lot more "out-of-lego-land" saga around the family in which the Lego exists.

They also make the who/what situation super-hyper-obvious... only the most air-headed won't be able to follow exactly what is going on the whole time, there is nothing as mysterious as the Kraggle in this one.

There is still a pretty cool reveal. But it's not as cool.

Lucy didn't get called Wildstyle once, but she also has a cool reveal. Or maybe two.

What is great is the more focussed poking of fun at post-apocalyptic brooding. Batman gets a makeover, that's funny. So is Queen Whatevererer. I did laugh a lot. A lot. There are numerous funny gags. There are a lot of references. I'm sure no human can really get all the references. The dinosaurs are subtitled... I feel strangely conflicted about that. But it's definitely an interesting choice to subtitle... in a movie with a large audience of pre-readers. But I also don't think anyone will need to read them out and that non-readers will also find it funny without the subtitles. In fact what kids think the dinosaurs are saying might well be funnier.

It also has the best end-credit song ever. It's a meta song about credits. I can't believe they got Chris Cunnington to be the stereoscopic supervisor either!

So not quite as good a Lego Movie the first one, but I'd be nitpicking to give it less.

J* gives it 5 stars.

PS. The credits song. I feel I should download it to play during non-entertaining credits. Sooooo good.

PPS. No end-end credit scene.

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