Rim of The World (2019)

2 0 0

If this film did more of everything it did in the trailer it would be freaking amazeballs. And it does do the things in the trailer, but it pads them out with a lot of other far more dull and boring things along the way.

Four weirdo kids meet at summer camp during an alien attack on earth. An astronaut falling from the sky gives them the magical key that's the only thing that can stop the alien invasion. And they have to get it to NASA. Of course.

So there's these four pseudo-Goonies and they're all on the run from the aliens. They face challenges along the way. They ride bikes, they drive cars. They're attacked by aliens. By alien dogs. They hide in toilets. They hide in kitchens. They're helped, they're not. Blah blah blah.

There's a lot of stuff that gets in the way off all the cool stuff in the trailer. I wanted to love it so hard, but lo, I did not.

J* gives it 2 stars.

PS. For the same genre and set up Attack The Block is far better.

PS. They swapped the Cypress Hill in the trailer for NWA and I still can't decide if I was happy with it or not. The soundtrack was generally quite good.

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