Airplane Mode (2016/2019)

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Youtubers on a Plane.... Oh I'm ready for it.

Do you really remember Snakes on a Plane (2006)? Do you remember truly that it was a hilarious spoof comedy not just about snakes on a plane, but about the microcosm of the early noughties culture? Do you remember how so many of the snake victims were iconic of some kind of touchstone idea that was big at the time? If you do, good, if you don't, you should definitely give it a re-watch before you attempt this. I feel you need to remember the baseline to get where this is going.

This is pretty much a 2016/2019 remake of SoaP. And while in 2006 "snakes on a blog" was so hot, we're gone well beyond that now, social media floozies! Which is why this is pretty funny. It's literally **Youtubers On A Plane.** They are all going to #Hashtagicon and I laughed and laughed and I still find myself saying "hashtagicon" and laughing some more. Hashtagicon is in Australia and they are catching some Koala-ity airline there. All the youtubers! On the plane! Hashtagicon!

Anyway, there are no snakes, but another, evil and pranky youtuber gets loose! Chaos of ridiculous levels and layers ensues. This movie is so damn dumb and so damn freaking hilarious. It is gross, it is smutty and it is in your face straight up dumb but I couldn't stop laughing.

I don't really know who all these famous youtubers are. But I do know this. They have amazing faces. It's like all those years of emoting to camera have honed them into human emoticon beings. Watching them cross from some kind of cray-cray scene to a straight down the camera wink-wink was pretty glorious. Hashtagicon! I love their youtubey faces. This is like a feature film made entirely of skits and memes.

But you know what? I've probably watched more than a trilogy length of Vines back in the day and they were always great value.

I've got nothing. This movie is terrible. And totally excellent. I wasn't drunk when I watched it and I still found it hilarious. I will probably never stop saying Hashtagicon in my mind. It's become one of those things like "spirit fingers."

J* gives it 4 stars.

PS.  This movie has about a hundred different release years.  It seems it has streamed and dropped and sold on various platforms at various times, but never, as far as I can see, had a cinema release.

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