Overlord (2018)

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This was a really intense ride! I'm not sure exactly where it considers it sits on the monster spectrum... somewhere between zombies and werewolves perhaps? It takes a Nazi-war as it's setting, and then nearly ignores the concept of Nazis in terms of visualising... I feel I only heard "Hitler" name dropped a couple of times, and I don't even remember seeing a single swastika.

Where this film digs is into the idea of human experimentation, in this case to make the thousand year soldiers... basically immortals I guess. So it deals with a particular element of the atrocity and stays super focussed on that. A group of soldiers bust in behind enemy lines with the goal to destroy a comms tower. What they find though, pulls too hard on their human heartstrings so they vow to go off the plan and fix the problem.

Spectacular kid acting in this, you really feel they messed around with that kid a lot to get the reactions they got. And huge shout outs to both Jovan Adepo and Mathilde Oliver as our main figures.

It's gruesome, it's a bit spooky, it has a haunted-castle type space... and there's occasional nazi-isms. But I can't stress enough this isn't really a Nazi film... all the usual signifiers of Nazi-business feel fairly sidelined here in favour of solid, full on horror-action.

J* gives it 4 stars.

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