Mega Time Squad (2018)

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I'd give this movie a great review even just for the accents and kiwi-isms. And a lot of that phraseology is ultimately shared by Aussies, but this comes with my favourite accent. So it's an excellent aural flavour.

Imagine, basically, if Idiot Box (1997) had been a time-travel farce set in NZ. That's in many ways what this is. John falls out with his suburban-gang-boss, but gets an antique Chinese charm that lets him time hop. Then he time-hops enough of himself together and they join up to form their own gang... the Mega Time Squad.

Along the way he falls in love, steals the "Chinese Money" and has a lot of run ins with the average gang-members. Everything is underplayed and there are clearly a lot of in-jokes that have been allowed to run their course to the big screen. A lot of pies get eaten. There is a lot of swearing, a real heap. Plus great kiwi-slangy-insults. A lot of talk about growing some nuts.

There are a lot of really funny bits, running gags, and moments when you realise you're so confused about which John is which and no-one in the movie knows or cares anyway. It's goofball, screwball, oddball comedy that's not afraid to be deep NZ. The film stacking is pretty amazeballs and would have taken some real clever planning to think out. Especially at the start when they're replaying the one scene many times, each time from a new camera angle.

Even if just for the accents and -isms, it's worth it.

J* gives it 4 stars.

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