Chapter 12

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The ship was on its return path to port in America. Sheila had put me off a bit when I overheard her conversation with her mother about my 'style'. We only had three days of cruise left. It was dark and warm. We'd just came out on deck to enjoy the night sky after having supper and watching a live show. We were both dressed to the nines still. The view was romantic.

"Do you know which constellation that group of stars is?" Sheila asked me as she pointed towards the sky.

Try as I might I couldn't figure out where exactly she was pointing. Wouldn't have mattered anyways, stars and their constellations weren't anything I knew about. Beyond the big dipper, I didn't know one from another, they all looked like stars to me.

"Not a clue Snuggle Bunny." I answered.

We stood at the rail in silence for a while, only the sound of the water and some distant music and conversation from within the ship broke that silence. Sheila had a faint pleased glowing smile on her face as she stared out at the night sky.

"Sheila..." I called softly to her.

"Hmm?" She responded without looking towards me.

"Sheila..." I said again, this time she looked to see what I wanted.

I was already on one knee when she turned, I had been on one knee the first time I called her name. When she saw me there on my knee and that I was holding an open black velvet box with a sparkling, glowing diamond ring in it, she became stunned. Her eyes were locked on the ring, her mouth hung open and her eyes were voids.

"Sheila Harper, will you..." I said then moved the ring in the box closer to her.

Sheila was still in a daze. "Will I what?" She said in a vacant voice, eyes still transfixed on the ring.

I snorted then chuckled. "Will you strip naked and go skinny dipping with me, what do you think ya dope." I laughed a bit harder and rocked my head. "Will you marry me?"

Sheila snorted then looked off at the night sky raising her arms midway up her torso, her hands limp at the ends; then she moved her arms up and down flopping her hands at the end.

"Oh fuck, shit, I..." Sheila almost sounded mad. "Fuck, I..." She turned her head and looked at me. "Fuck Paul, I wasn't expecting this."

I laughed again and shook my head a bit. "That's kind of the point of proposing Sheila."

She sighed hard. "Shit, I know, it's just... fuck, I don't know what to say. I've never thought about marriage. Fuck!"

This wasn't going exactly as I planned. Honestly, it wasn't going anywhere's near the way I pictured it would in my mind.

Sheila made a whiney noise then looked off again. "I don't know... it's just... shit, fuck, damn, I... fuck it. Yes."

To me she didn't sound that excited. "So... is that a yes then?" Her response and lack of emotion left me wondering if that 'yes' was in answer to my proposal or to something else.

"Yes!" Sheila bounced on her toes and started to make excited noises. "Yes! Yes, that is a yes, a sure yes, a definite yes. Yes! I will marry you Paul!"

Now Sheila seemed positively giddy. I was finally able to relax my poop hole, at some point I'd started clinching it shut hard.

"Great." I said with a broad smile, got up from my knees and put the ring on her finger that she was holding out to me. "Shall we go celebrate?" I asked after her finger was adorned.

Sheila giggled at me, said yes and the two of us trotted off heading inside the main ballroom and started our celebration.


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