Chapter 13 - Good Graces

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The morning found me next to Sheila. Eating her out and fucking her hard didn't happen last night, even though I was more than willing, she was too filled with worry. I looked at the clock, my envelope wouldn't have been delivered yet. I could tell Sheila was awake.

With a deep sigh I climbed out of bed and without a word, went to take a shower. While in the shower I worked the time frame in my head. When my envelope should arrive, how long until it was opened and read then how long before the information was passed on to the Greek equivalent of mister Tullis. Finally how long until that information was used.

By the time I emerged from the shower, Sheila was up and I had my time frame in mind. Mid-afternoon; that's when I figured all would have transpired.

"Should have waited for me." Sheila said, not looking up from the clothes she was folding to put away in her bag.

"Didn't think you were awake." I replied.

"Bullshit." She retorted.

Great, now I was in Dutch with Sheila, and for no reason other than not showering with her. She wasn't in the mood for sex last night, I wasn't in the mood to have her with me in the shower this morning. Why couldn't she give me the same consideration I gave her? Because I was the boy and she was the girl. The only explanation there was.

I pulled out the newspaper I'd grabbed last night. Unfolding it I could see the full picture of the slave girl I'd pinned to the wall.

"I heard on the news." Sheila stated then finally looked at me. "Is that what this is all about?" She asked.

I shook my head no.

"What then?" She further asked.

I peeled my attention from the paper and looked at her. "Fat Prick." I said.

Sheila looked off at nothing. "Fat Prick." She iterated. Her eyes returned to me. "I'm sorry Paul, I didn't mean to get you into trouble." Her eyes were sincere.

I gave her the best smile I could. "You didn't Snuggle Bunny, I did it myself." I looked to the floor for a moment then back to Sheila. "The issue with him should be resolved soon. I have my ways."

Sheila scoffed. "Your ways." She inhaled deep and sighed. "Yes, I guess you do." Then she turned her attention back to her suitcase.

Letting the conversation drop, I went back to my paper and read the top story about 'The Arrow' and what the Imperial Police were theorizing and doing. Once done with that I simply folded the paper up and dropped it in my lap and sat silently watching Sheila. I felt sick for what I'd brought into her world.

After about 20 minutes I picked up the paper from my lap and tossed it on a nearby table then stood.

"Breakfast?" I asked.

Sheila stopped what she was doing and looked over at me.

"Breakfast?" Her face was blank and distant. That sick feeling rolled over me again.

She closed her suitcase, fresh clothes were sitting on the bed. She looked over at me then back to her bag and zipped it closed before looking off in my direction, but not at me. I thought this might be the end of things between us now. She couldn't handle what I really was after all, now that it was fully in view, in her face.

"I'd like to shower first, then yeah, if you can still eat, breakfast." She said then walked by me into the bathroom.


With the recent events, my Paul Benson cover would need to change. Since Sheila knew who and what I was, that wasn't an issue with her. In her town, at least with the rental agency, well, that might be a problem. But that was the other side of this coin. If the Greeks had found me, they'd also found Sheila, we left on the cruise together. Even though I was their target, she could be used as bait.

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