Chapter 41

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We were on the far side of the park like peninsula wedge across from Fat Prick's house. The trees were sparse and we could see the house and windows. The main reason for viewing the property from this vantage point was the ability to see what was happening on the outside; Randi had the best view of the inside of the house on the laptop.

Hesitating as I looked at the phone number Holland had handed to me, I quickly tried to figure out what he had done. Holland had friends in many places. One of those places was with members of the slave guild apparently. Did his connection with them allow for him to see to it the slaves wouldn't be there? The other side of the coin was Holland had connections in places such as the security company that maintained the alarms at Fat Prick's sty. If someone managed to activate a distress alarm, would that call be dismissed?

I pulled out a new garbage phone, provided by Holland. I dialed the number, it started to ring. Three times it rang then someone answered.

"Carl's Crab Shack. If it's a case of crabs you want, Carl's will get you the largest case of crabs you've ever seen." The boy said after he answered.

I wasn't expecting this. Maybe Holland had written the number down wrong. "I'm a Fuzzy friend." I replied.

"Thanks for calling Carl's Crab Shack. Have a nice night." The boy told me then the call ended from his end.

Randi was watching me with reserved interest. As I put the phone away I shrugged. "Carl's Crab Shack." I commented to her.

We both moved our attention to Fat Prick's house. Randi watched on the computer while I scanned the outside and watched the windows. We could see two slaves inside the house, Randi had the view from the bay windows on the front of the house on her monitor, the same windows I could see.

About a half minute after I had placed my call, the slave that appeared to be the boss of the others pulled his phone from his pocket; he looked at who was calling then quickly answered. I wasn't sure what I was waiting for, Holland had said I'd know.

The slave that received the phone call called the other slave to him after he hung up the phone. He didn't talk long, actually, I don't think he said a word at all. Randi increased the volume from the video stream. The elder slave whispered to the slave that he'd called over. We didn't know what was said, but he must have told him to get the other slaves in the house because he left the leader then when he returned, two other slaves were with him. A boy and a girl.

Fat Prick came into the room. "What the hell is going on?" He demanded in a loud voice.

The leader talked in a hushed voice. "We're leaving now, ignore him, let's go." He said to the other slaves. They moved to the door while Fat Prick complained.

He was yelling now and gesturing wildly with his hands and arms. "You fucks can't just up and leave! I'm ordering you to get back to where I told you to be! That's an order! If you don't do what I'm ordering you to, you'll be made bad slaves!"

Normally what he'd told them would've been true. Bad slave, a title no slave wanted. However, I had the feeling that the call made to the slaves in Fat Prick's house, trumped any claim he might file against them. There was also myself and Randi in this scenario. Whomever called the slave leader, may have had an inside scoop as to what was about to happen to Fat Prick and knew he wouldn't be filing anything when we were through with him.

The slaves exited the house. A sedan pulled up in front of the house fast, it would appear we weren't the only ones watching the house. I'd take this into consideration. After the car left Randi checked the other cameras. Besides Fat Prick, whom was very distressed currently and ranting at the empty room, two other people were in the house. A cook and scullery maid.

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