Chapter 62 - A Prisoner In Paradise

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A Prisoner In Paradise


I'd signaled Randi to keep quiet. She waited until I brought the rental car around then got in. There was an I.I.D. van parked near the front of the hotel where I picked Randi up at. We drove around the block so I could position the car so we'd see the front of the hotel and the van.

"He knows we were there, doesn't he." Randi stated after we were parked.

I put one ear-bud in my left ear and handed her the other so she could put it in her right ear then I placed the microphone aimed out the open window of the car. It wasn't as sensitive as the larger version back home, but I thought we'd be able to listen in on the conversations of the I.I.D. people.

"Yeah, he knows. No doubt about that." I answered her.

"So why didn't he arrest us for lying to the I.I.D.?" She questioned.

With a shrug I told her, "Don't know, we still might get arrested. Then again, we might not be worth the effort. Not much we could tell them that they don't already know."

We played the waiting game. I thought we may have been spotted at one point, but it turned out to be an employee they were waiting to show up had arrived. She was questioned about 'Alice' and her relationship with her since they had worked together. The employee didn't know much about 'Alice', the employee told the agent that 'Alice' kept to herself and was rather rude to other employees. She added that most of the employees avoided her.

We'd waited about an hour when Colonel Fulbright Quixley emerged from the front doors of the hotel. One of his underlings trotted up to him after he walked out. I wasn't able to hear the beginning of their conversation, I adjusted the microphones position and was able to listen in.

"...and they denied it? You want we should arrest them?" The boy whom came up to Quixley asked.

"No, no point in it. They're just happy to be alive and want to put this behind them. They aren't going to tell us anything we don't know already anyways." Quixley told the boy.

"Okay, but if we get them to the station, confront them with the pictures and video, you never know, they may have information. Why else would they lie?" The boy replied.

Quixley shook his head. "Not those two, they aren't going to say anything different from what they've already said. Especially Grove. They'd keep to their story even if threatened to leave them dangling. And I want to keep the fact that we have videos of every murder a secret. I don't want the press having a field day with that information, or the other survivors panicked."

Quixley stopped and faced the boy. "What would you do if you survived something like this Mort? Would you rather forget about it, be happy you survived or would you want some hot shot inspector rubbing what almost happened in your face? Just let them be, they aren't any help to us. They deserve to enjoy what's left of their vacation after this mess."

Mort looked a bit slighted. "If you say so, you're the boss Colonel."

Quixley smirked. "If I had a hot concubine like Grove does, I'd want to be forgetting about this and concentrating all of my energy on keeping up with her. Smoking hot gothic girl like Randi Butterfield, I'm telling you Mort."

Mort chuckled. "She was that good looking huh?"

"Oh yes. She has a face that would stop an eight day clock, her bottom, I could watch her all day long, perfect, like it was genetically engineered to be the perfect fanny. If I had a concubine like her, I'd die a happy boy, that girl, only in my dreams would I ever have a girl like that Randi." Quixley remarked.

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