Chapter 68

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"Can you feel this?" Zandie asked me.

"Yes." I answered her.

Zandie had placed a blindfold over my eyes then had me put my hands over something with the fingers sticking out. She'd poke one with a sharp thing and ask me if I could feel it, then to wiggle the finger she'd poked. I didn't see the reason for this 'testing my sensation perception' and shit, but she felt it was necessary to make sure I was healing properly or some bullshit. I'd told her everything was fine and I could feel shit. Time for another poking.

"Can you feel this."

Poke, poke.


"Wiggle the finger I poked please."

Wiggle, wiggle.

"Can you feel this?"

"Hey, that fucking tickles, what'd you do? Run a feather over my palm?"

"No, I just put your hand in a steaming plate of cow shit." She replied.

She removed the blindfold finally.

"Well, you can thank my outstanding skills for your almost complete recovery." Zandie told me.

I lifted my arms up, each had a very nasty scar on it, making it plain to everyone what I'd done. Maybe I could tell people I was raped and my rapists did this to me but I survived?

"What do you mean by 'almost complete recovery', my fingers feel perfect, like nothing happened?" I questioned her.

She took the needle she had and ran it across the back of my hand. The sensation that I'd felt before on my palm returned, only she hadn't touched my palm.

"Oh. That's weird." I responded.

"It may get better with time, but most likely not. Nerves are funny things, once severed, they don't typically grow back. You've apparently crossed one. You should feel lucky you have any use of your fingers honestly from the way you carved your arms up." Zandie stated.

"Thank you Zandie. I'd never hurt you. I want you to know that. I didn't ask to be fucked in the noggin, I just am and Nells is helping me. I'd never hurt you, or Holland. You both have done so much for me, and Nells too." I said to her, I felt like I might cry.

"Yeah, whatever. Just don't ever do that shit again in my home." She replied with a cold voice. "You may think of someone other than yourself. He does love you, I can't fucking believe it, Nicolas, he's in love with you, poor bastard."

Zandie moved the bar looking thing from in front of me and I got out of the chair. She had me come back to a table and she wrapped my lower arms, putting a strip of gauze over where the scars were then wrapping an elastic bandage over them to keep the gauze in place.

"You'll need to be delicate with your arms, and not use your hands much. The stitches can come out in another week or so. These bandages will help so you don't tear any of the stitches out." She instructed as she wrapped. She finished then pointed at the door. "Time to get out." She stated. I began walking towards the door, when she didn't follow me out I stopped.

"Aren't you coming?" I asked. My voice sounded timid to me.

Zandie looked up from the table she was picking the trash up we'd left behind from. "No, you think I'm going to come with so I can see you off; give you a hug and a kiss and tell you to be safe and all that bullshit? Just get the fuck out. I only want to see you when I have to, and that's when my executives need us to have a meeting together."

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