Chapter 61

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In the morning our shower time together was quiet. Gordon washed me, I washed him, then we dried each other with less then 10 words said between us. We both were trying to avoid the elephant in the room; it wasn't a favorite thing so I didn't name it.

We ordered breakfast to our room; when the meal arrived and we ate, there was a bit more conversation. It wasn't until after we'd had something to smoke that we started any real conversation. This was mostly talk about what we wanted to do today. Neither of us felt like going to the beach, we'd done the water park, parasailing was something we both wanted to do, but weren't presently in the mood for.

After some more discussion, and more smoke, I decided I wanted to go climbing on the cliffs. There was a small climbing park across the island with a phenomenal view, according to the brochures I'd picked up. Gordon was completely against climbing the cliffs, up or down. He said he'd go with and watch, but wouldn't be dangling by a rope.

"Well, let's go shopping then." I stated.

"Shopping? I thought you were going to climb cliffs and endanger your life for no reason." He replied.

"I am going to go climbing, I just don't want to use rental gear that's probably maintained by someone that doesn't even climb for minimum wage. I want my own stuff like I used to have on the farm. I used to climb several times a month in the summer." I told him.

Gordon relented and agreed to take me shopping for climbing gear. At least he would come with and watch, Randle and Sophia wouldn't even do that. They'd said they didn't want to see me plummet to my death when the rope broke. We also decided to drive ourselves instead of taking one of the Fuzzy Busses or using a driver just in case we ended up with Alice again.

I had said we could call and find out if she was on shift or request she not be our driver but Gordon said he'd rather drive himself instead of having someone else tag along everywhere we went.


Poised on the edge of a cliff, I looked down and signaled that I was ready to the park guide that ran the repelling station.

"Are you sure you want to do this love doll?" Gordon asked again, only in a different form.

"Yes, yes my lover, I do and I am going to repel down then climb up. You should join me, I have enough gear for you." I offered.

He looked at me with one eyebrow up. "Yeah, that isn't fucking happening, I don't care how fantastic your twat is, this old boy isn't about to dangle from a rope."

I laughed, my heart was light and his words tickled me inside. I was glad he didn't hide his feelings from me anymore. This had been a great week so far, even with the questionable ending to the sex-fest. Gordon put his arm around my back then gave me a peck on the lips for luck; he'd turned to step away then had second thoughts and returned to kiss me better with a tongue wrestling kiss.

"Be safe." He told me.

I gave the thumbs up and the guide counted me off and down I went. I had a body cam both on my front and on my back and a radio inside my helmet that Gordon and I could talk through. When I was down about 15 to 20 meters, I turned myself around so I could enjoy the view. It was spectacular from this vantage.

"Hey, lover, you should see this view, I love it." I radioed to Gordon.

"Yeah, I can see it from here. Why don't you come back up and we'll enjoy it together." He radioed back.

"Yeah, sure thing my lover, let me get down from this line then I'll climb back up and join you." I told him.

He radioed back telling me how funny I was. Well, I was going to grant his request and climb back up to him. I turned back to the rocks of the cliff and repelled down some more, pausing to enjoy the sights from time to time. Once I was on the ground, the guide on the beach below the cliffs told the guide up top to release my ropes. I recovered my ropes and the guide directed me where to go to start my climb.

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