Chapter 58

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We were awoken by a knocking on our door. Randi sat up and asked whom that could be. I simply shrugged, how the fuck would I know. I threw on a shirt and hopped into my pants then left the alcove the bed was in and went to answer the door.

I looked through the peephole in the door, the person was standing off to the side so I couldn't see a face, but they had a hotel shirt on, and boobies. I opened the door.

"Alice." I was rather shocked to see her at our room, she did work for the resort though.

"Hi, sorry, I hope I'm not intruding or anything, we wanted to make sure Randi was alright." She said.

"Oh, that's nice of you. Yeah, she's fine, doing good." I replied then turned back into the room. "Randi, it's Alice, she stopped by to see how you are doing."

I felt like a dope as I stood there looking at Alice who was smiling back. I didn't know what to say in a situation like this. "Oh, please, come in." I said then extended my arm into the room and opened the door so she could come in.

A second later Randi appeared from behind the alcove wall. "Hi. I'm doing great." She told Alice as she came up to where we were standing.

She smiled at Randi and put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm so glad, Jerrod and I were worried about you, he'll be happy to hear you're doing good."

"Yup, just fine. Thank you for stopping by, this was sweet." Randi replied trying hard to be sociable.

Alice looked at her watch. "Well, have a good day, my shift starts soon so I gotta go." She said with a finger and arm motion towards the door.

After she left Randi commented on how nice it was for her to stop by and check on her. I agreed.

"They're nice people, after what happened... I don't know, you know maybe we should, ah, do something nice for them? Try and make up for me pouncing on Alice?" Randi jumbled out.

The way she flip-flopped as she talked, I wasn't fully sure what she was trying to say. Was she suggesting we send them a gift, take them to dinner, or do something nice in the means of getting together and getting together.

I went over and sat down at the table and put my arm up with my hand on my chin and looked at her. Hopefully she'd get the hint and clue me in a bit better as to her thoughts on what she meant by doing something nice. She'd already said no to a foursome, had she changed her tune on that?

She came over to the table and sat down with me and looked at me. We sat there looking at each other for several minutes before she broke down and asked her next question. I guess she didn't get that I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Well, what do you think? Should we?" She questioned.

"Doll face, I have no idea what you're thinking. You've left me a bit confused. By something nice are you saying you want to do a foursome with them?" Time to end the chase and get to the point.

"What? Fuck, how did you get that out of what I said? How do you go from 'they're nice, I made a scene, we should do something nice for them' to 'let's fuck'? You didn't even signal your turn." She reasoned.

"Just the way you said what you said, just trying make sure I understand what you're talking about. Sure, we can do something nice, what'd you have in mind? Dinner and a movie?" I offered.

Randi's face crunched and her brow furrowed, then she put her own elbow on the table and rested her chin on her hand as she thought. She rocked her head back and forth and hmm'd a bit while she worked her ideas out in her brain.

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