Chapter 51

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With our beach towels over our shoulders, Gordon and I left the room and made for the elevators. When we entered the elevator, another older girl got in with us. She'd gotten in first, and when she turned around, she gave us a dirty look. At first I thought it was because Gordon was an older boy with a much younger girl, then her eyes flicked down and back up. I looked to where her eyes had gone. Half of Cogburn's head was showing past the end of the legs of Gordon's suit.

After we were turned around facing forward in the elevator car, I backed against Gordon with my hands behind my back. I found Cogburn and stuffed him back up inside Gordon's suit. He leaned down and whispered, "Thank you" then kissed the top of my head.

While we made our way to the beach, Gordon had to stop several times and adjust Cogburn. He complained that the thin lining of the suit refused to hold his cock and when it fell, he was exposing himself. I'd told him to relax, that we'd be on the beach soon and he could sit down.

The air was warm and friendly, the sun, it had a greater intensity than I'd experienced on the farm; I also had never wandered around in a bikini either. Gordon suggested returning to the hotel and picking up some sun screen so I wouldn't get burnt to a crisp. He spread out our blankets while I purchased some sun screen at a stand on the beach. I didn't want to have a sunburn tonight of all nights.

We coated each other with the lotion then laid back on the towels and enjoyed the sun. Every once in a while, I checked myself to make sure the lotion was working. After a bit of time, even though I didn't see any signs of getting roasted, I added more lotion just to be safe. Gordon had fallen asleep on the beach; after I finished with the lotion, I laid back, and though not intending to or feeling the need to sleep, I fell into nap land along with Gordon.

I have no idea how long we'd been asleep on the beach, but the sun was hanging lower in the sky now; a hotel staff person was talking to us, primarily to Gordon, he'd been trying to get his attention and wake him, he finally had.

"I am sorry to bother you sir, but we've had some complaints from the other guests of the hotel." The young boy started to tell us.

Gordon looked at the young boy like was about to rip his head off, he took a step back. He looked off to the side and nodded, at someone I guessed. I looked back, two large security officers came walking up. Now that I thought was unnecessary.

When the two boys walked up to join the younger boy, Gordon looked at them, his expression was unimpressed. He looked back to the young boy whom had originally disturbed him. The young boy stared back at him, he didn't say anything. Gordon waited for nearly a minute.

"You going to tell me why in the fuck you're bothering me or am I supposed to guess?" He stated to the young boy.

One of the guards stepped forward, Gordon moved his steel gaze onto him. The boy stopped, then he returned to looking at the boy, whom still hadn't said a word. The young boy looked at the guard, he turned his head and returned the look for a moment.

"Well, you going to say something or just stand there?" The guard said to him, he sounded rather pissed at the young boy currently.

With a nervous laugh, the young boy started to explain why Gordon was being bothered. He claimed that guests had complained that they could see his 'member' in his suit. Gordon looked down at himself, so did I. Cogburn was neatly curled up inside the suit. The boy further requested that Gordon either cover himself or leave the beach and not show other guests his genitalia. He also informed us there was a second beach the hotel owned and pointed to a wooden security fence that ran the length of the of the beach with a door in it. That was apparently a 'natural' beach and that Gordon was more than welcome to expose himself there.

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