Chapter 86

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Chapter 86


"Why here?" I asked Merlyn when he took me to some no-tell-motel that was his idea of a 'hiding spot' for me.

"Because, it's out of the way and safe. This is big boy shit that's about to go down, Tullis won't be fucking around. He'll be sending in Boomer, I appreciate that you want to help and cover my ass, but this isn't a time for that. I need to be able to get gone fast and I'm not willing to put you at any risk. I know how this fuck operates. If he finds you, that you're working with me, you're toast doll face." He explained.

"Fine twat breath..." yeah that fit, he'd been munching my carpet not too long ago, "I'm not arguing about the fact that you need to move, this place though. Fuck me, there's a nice B&B about three clicks away. Why can't I stay there?"

He looked around, at the motel, then at his lap. He shrugged and looked at me. "I... ah, hmm, I guess I got no problem with that. This was just, convenient is all. No one here is going to think anything about you, no records no questions. I guess the B&B would work. Didn't even know there was one around."

I sniggered. "Signs bright boy, I read them as we drove here advertising the place. Let's check it out while you reconsider me tailing you and watching for Boomer and anyone else; I still have the bike you know. Slick and covert, like me."

He held a serious look as he focused on me. He was thinking it over; I hoped wisdom won out over twat; wait, did I actually think that? Inconceivable, wanting twat to come in second. This time though, I did hope it would.

I registered at the bed and breakfast then drove Merlyn to pick up the Montclair; the thing was fucking hideous at best. He'd been planning on staying at the apartment while I stayed here tonight. I convinced him to park the Montclair at the apartment then hoof it a few blocks to where I could pick him up. I reasoned that we still needed to discuss things, and that he wouldn't be able to mount me if I was at the B&B and he was at the apartment. Twat won this time, as it should.


Morning found me on the back of the bike, keeping an eye out while Merlyn made his play to get Tullis' attention and bait him. He figured all he'd need to do was use the car he'd bought and let himself be seen. After that, allow Tullis to have his boys follow him to the apartment then the rest would fall into place. Boom, he'd be counted as dead, time to move on, watch, listen and plan.

He had his Nicolas Gagucci face on and went to places he knew people that were in Tullis' pocket were. He even purchased an espresso and used a card in Wes Anderson's name to pay. Whether or not it was his face or the use of the card that drew attention, we'll never know; the one thing we do know for sure, is that he had Tullis' attention. I reported in to him, an ambush was being staged.

With my help and my eyes, he was able to avoid the boys in wait for him and make it back to the car. When he pulled away, another car followed, I fell in line behind and kept in contact with Merlyn. He did some evasive driving, just not enough that his tail wouldn't find him again. The car kept some distance once it picked up Merlyn again.

He made his way back towards the apartment but didn't go directly there. Instead, he stopped at a small café and went in for a piece of pie. He later told me that he knew a person there was a rat for Tullis. This would confirm his basic location. He also wanted to know if the tail was a shooter or just collecting information. The occupant of the car never left it nor did they prepare any weapon, they simply watched and when Merlyn left, they followed at a reasonable distance.

After Merlyn parked at the abandoned factory, I made a move to watch the front and entrance after the tail drove past. The car circled the area and made sure the Montclair was where Merlyn had parked it. When they passed by where he'd turned into the parking lot again, they slowed down, it looked like they were taking pictures.

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