Chapter 46

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Chapter 46

I headed to the shower in the living area Randi and I shared with Holland and Zandie. The water was warm and I'd just stepped in and let the water cover me when Randi joined me. I could tell by her face she was feeling rejected. I had almost taken her. Maybe I should've let her have what she wanted; but in front of Holland and Zandie for her first time? That didn't feel right to me, however, she seemed to have no problem with it.

Randi had her washcloth lathered up and was scrubbing herself. "Sorry I'm not attractive to you. I know my boobs are weird. Boys have told me that before." She stated, her voice was sad and full of rejection.

Fuck! I'd made another mess of things, now she thought I wasn't attracted to her; through my eyes she was perfect, I loved looking at her boobies, weird, no, different than most, that is what I liked most about her boobies, the way they looked, well, not the most, they felt great too. Enormous nipples also. I loved her boobies.

She deserved an explanation, I couldn't leaver feeling dejected. "Randi, doll face, unattractive you are not. Your boobs are fantastic. In all honesty, I look at them every chance I get." She looked at my face, she was trying to see if I was blowing sunshine up her ass. "Doll face, I tossed my wad while looking at you, that's never happened before. Just looking at you made me cum, that wouldn't have happened if I didn't find you extremely attractive."

My hands were soapy, I put them on her boobs and massaged them, fuck they were nice. "I love you." I admitted. I hadn't intended to, it just came out.

I couldn't look at her now, I had to turn away; I faced my showerhead again and resumed washing. Randi was wetting her hair while rinsing her body under her showerhead. Holland and Zandie would want the shower too. But I wanted to stay in a bit longer with Randi, so I could explain why I stopped, and because I liked seeing her naked and checking out her boobies. Cogburn approved.

"I know, I can tell." Randi remarked as she rinsed. She looked back and read the question on my face. "That you love me." She replied then went back to rinsing. "Thanks for eating me out. That was the best." She told me.

"Thanks, I'm glad I did right by you." I responded to her compliment.

"Anytime you want a taste of twat, you're welcome to taste mine, even if you're not going to stick me." She told me, her voice was still depressed.

We didn't say anything else to each other while we finished showering. We exited the shower then toweled off quickly so Holland and Zandie could use the shower. As Randi and I walked by heading for the bedroom we shared, they both gave me a look like I was a big meanie for not delivering. I wasn't trying to be a twat tease, Randi had just gotten me really turned on and out of control, they hadn't helped either fucking in front of us. I did like to watch though.


Thoughts of Randi were eating at my brain; I needed to concentrate on things other than her, her boobs, her face, her nice furry patch, her boobies, that fine round ass, her boobies, cute bellybutton, and her boobs. Shit! Was I obsessed with her? No, I'd just had the privilege of seeing her nude, and I liked it. Her face, those boobies. Damn it, concentrate boy, concentrate. Boobies.

Drawing on all my powers I focused my thoughts. Things were coming into play for our plan with boobies, no, Tullis, who was a boob, just not a nice one, like Randi's. Fuck! Focus! I'd have to contact boob face, no, fuck face, Tullis. I needed to figure out... come up with some sort of spiel that would get him to think I saw everything in his office, and the building over all. Her boobies were taunt and tender in my hands. So fucking soft, their skin, even her areolas and nipples, luxury boobies.

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