Chapter 74

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Holland Fuzzy, boy of mystery, intrigue and more tricks than I could possibly count. He contacted me, giving me a pickup point. No delivery girl this time, just our usual cloak and dagger routine. I made it to the place, found what he'd left for me then made tracks back to the apartment as Sasha followed on her bike at a safe distance away.

"So, what'd they send us this time?" Sasha asked once we were up in the apartment again.

"I don't think this is a 'they' thing, this is strictly mister Fuzzy, and I would suspect, it's something nobody is supposed to ever know he's gotten, done, or anything else. It may even self destruct." I added with a smirk.

It was a square envelope like a CD or DVD would come in, inside was a note and a disk.

"Don't ask how I obtained this information, I'll never tell. This information doesn't exist." The note said.

After I read the note, I tossed it on the table and waited. After a minute passed, I decided the note wouldn't turn to dust like the last one, though that one had been in a plastic lined sealed envelope. Air must activate it. Sasha came with as I went into the office and put the disk in the player.

I will say, I was a bit shocked at whom the images were of. Fulbright Quixley and Mort Gnoll, in an office together. Holland was a devious boy, I didn't want to know how he obtained this information and would be destroying the disk as soon as we'd finished with it.

Mort: "Just got the results back from the lab, the bolt came from The Arrow's crossbow. The victim has links to Norval Tullis."

Fulbright: "What about the others in the fridge?"

Mort: "The boy has been identified as Edwin Burks, went by the name Cheeks on the street, no idea why; the girl was Tanya Smyth, street name Quickling. They were apparently a couple, she was his 'girlfriend' and the gang worked for a syndicate. Our best bet is Tullis. You think The Arrow iced these two as well?"

Fulbright snorted and wagged his head no. "Not a chance, The Arrow is a top notch professional, these kids, not anything that matches his style; whomever did this, was just a butcher. No, Tullis had his crew whack these kids, what about the busboy? What'd we get on him?"

Mort: "Not a hell of a lot, no I.P. record, worked for the Ringing Bell restaurant, which incidentally is owned by one mister Norval Tullis and Company, killed with a blunt object, blow to the head. End of story."

Fulbright: "Any of them have anything of interest on them?"

Mort: "Not really, usual stuff, pipes, one hitters, some smoke, some pocket change, notes, keys; Cheeks had a wallet, medical card, debit card, drivers license, girl had the same kind of stuff in her back bag purse thing. The busboy had even less, a single key, looked like a door key, and his wallet, nothing in it, not even an ID. Oh, yeah, he did have 10 shillings on him."

Fulbright: "Any of them have a phone? Pager, anything?"

Mort: "Nope, nothing."

Fulbright nodded as he rubbed a hand on the side of his face several times ending with his hand on his chin. With his other hand he flipped through some papers on his desk while he stood. Mort didn't say anything, he looked like he knew his boss's routine and was waiting him out.

"Tell me about this guy." Fulbright told Mort and holding up a photo.

"He's an accountant, all three of the crispy stiffs were, all certified Imperial accountants; this guy, he did the taxes for Tullis & Company, airline, rental companies, the whole shebang. Here's the bit though, according to New Brittan I.P. this guy also managed bookies for Tullis. They all did. No arrests though, no proof." Mort explained.

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