Chapter 30

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We drove out of the business district, through an area of smaller niche shops that gave way to nice well-to-do peoples house's, someplace a slave guild member might live. But we didn't stop at any of the houses. We crossed into more middleclass housing. Still, nice houses, just not as high end. We drove through those houses, through the rows of rental apartments and houses into another area. This was a street of shops.

These stores were nothing like the niche shops we first passed thru. 'Bob's Discount Goods' one sign said. Then there was Imperial Pawn, a chain pawnshop store, Arlene's, a factory jewelry store. No diamonds, a shit-load of rhinestones though. We passed an 'The Red Frog' store, another national chain. 'Close but not exact' was a phrase you heard quite often at The Red Frog if you mentioned something looked like that of a name brand designer. Exact meant lawsuits. They'd change the design just enough to avoid court.

"My distributor says I should invest with them." Zandie commented as she looked out the window.

"Invest in what?" Randi asked.

Zandie scoffed. "Oh, 'The Red Frog'."

"Why? What's a Red Frog?" Randi questioned back.

"They're a trendy clothing store, cheap shit. They tend to sell gothic and punk, steampunk, clothing. Much of the stuff is for the fashion gothic, 'look at me I'm rebelling' girls, cheap whores and those that just can't afford name brand designer outfits and aren't smart enough to see how The Red Frog is ripping them off." Zandie scoffed again.

"And by 'invest' what she really means is give them permission to use her designs as long as they edit them, just enough, in exchange for a percentage of the profits." Holland added.

Zandie looked from the window to Randi, we were past the store now. "They use cheap fabric, mass produced at high speed, by workers in sweatshops. Like Canada and Brittan have; why the tariff on importation from those countries is so high. Or they go to third world countries, do the same thing only with a lower tariff. Bastards."

This time Randi scoffed. "Well your highness, not everyone can afford your royal prices for designer clothes." She retorted. "I know, on the farm, I sure the fuck couldn't. Two and a half crowns for a blouse and skirt? I couldn't afford that even if I were selling blowjobs."

Zandie laughed. "You'd be surprised what a guy will pay for a blowjob. No, what pisses me off is the garbage they sell. I know not everyone can afford name brand designer, but what The Red Frog does, criminal is what it should be. They rip off designs and their clothes wear out or fall apart fast. There are other options, like 'Design Z Apparel'. Exact same designs as my Zassy line, just with cheaper fabric and automated factory cutting and sewing. Cheaper fabric, not the crap the frog puts out, and the thread and stitching is good."

Zandie's voice showed how heated this issue made her.

"You own Design Z Apparel too?" Rand asked.

"Yes. Anything with the Design Z label is my creation. We also carry other middle of the road brands there. I just have a much higher quality standard than The Red Frog. Their warranty on their clothing is 'five steps or five decimeters, whichever comes first'. Zandie stated, Randi laughed.

"Turn around, go back!" Zandie ordered Holland.

"What? Why?" He responded.

"I want to show her what I'm talking about." She pressed.

Holland didn't move his eyes from the road, look in the mirror or anything. "Yeah, yeah, sure, right away, I'll make a U'ie right here in the middle of the street just so you can show Randi what shit clothes The Red Frog sells. Get right on that sweetie."

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