Chapter 81

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I was dragging ass when Merlyn woke me up after the night at... my corporate headquarters. Fuck me that sounded so fucking weird, me, with a corporate headquarters. In a month, my designs would be on a catwalk being shown off by models. Yeah, my underwear had been shown on one before, but that was as part of Zassy; this time it would be as part of its own line, the Lydia line carried exclusively by Zassy and Lattei! That was the kicker right there, making it into the Lattei design. The king of sexy.

Merlyn and I started my sweet 16th off right, with him making me leave a huge wet area on the bed. We'd have to remove the sheets so it could dry quicker; it usually never had a chance to dry before we went at it again. Was it normal for a girl to be as horny as I was? Fuck it, who cares, I was horny all the time and my lover accommodated me and took care of me.

Honestly, I would've rather spent the day in the sack with Merlyn making me squeal, but he said we had things to do and dragged me into the shower. I tried to get him to stuff Dark Magic again in the shower, but he said we didn't have time; he claimed he allotted time for us in the sack but we had to get moving to get to where we were going on time. Shit, this was my birthday and I didn't remember anything being on our schedule.

When we were getting clothed, instead of naked and making a wet place on the carpet or something, he told me to 'dress nice'. Fuck me! I always dress nice, now that I'm not on the farm. I wear fucking Zassy originals, some of my own, I even have a few pieces by Lattei now. I dress very nice, he's never complained. When I mentioned this fact, he chuckled at bit and explained he meant for going to fancy places where people would expect the other guests to look their best. Okay, so nothing that showed off my bellybutton jewelry.

I was corrected in this assumption, I guess. He asked me about the top I had with the hourglass opening in it that left a smaller open area between my boobies then closed and made a wider opening over my bellybutton. I knew the exact piece he was talking about, it was one of my favorites; I had it on in a flash and even changed to a more flashy navel jewel. The look in his eyes when he saw me in it, yeah, Cogburn was standing. Maybe I would get fucked again before we left.

No such luck, we were out the door and on our way in the Studebaker before Dark Magic had a chance to settle down. Shit, all this dazzle I had on, and I still failed to get stuffed again. I guess whatever it was Merlyn had planned was important. Oh well, at least I started my birthday off good. Pizza and glitter, depressingly, that would be the supposed high point of the day. Yippy.


I was having a 'wow' moment as we pulled into a dirigible terminal. Sure, I'd seen zeppelins before, as they glided overhead or on the TV, but I'd never been to a docking terminal. We were in the parking lot of a Zeppelin owned terminal, a German based company that was the first to provide dirigible service to the states. Goodrich Airship was the American owned company that offered similar services. Several of the dirigibles were hovering majestically over the lot as we parked. I'd never seen one this close before.

Dirigibles were the safest way to travel by air, despite that, they were also the slowest. From their start in the early 1900's until even today, there had only been one 'almost' crash in history; that was the Hindenburg, I couldn't remember the exact year but I remembered hearing about it in the aviation part of history class.

The Hindenburg was the last airship that was to use hydrogen and was the first to use helium for its buoyancy. The then largest airship, was running late, even today being late with any aircraft is unacceptable, nearly 12 hours late. The weather was the reason, which still holds for delays today, and the captain was angst to moor the airship and allow the passengers to disembark. There was a smaller storm that followed the first that added to the delay at the airfield causing sudden wind changes. In his haste the captain ordered a hard rudder turn to guide the ship in instead of coming around again for course correction. This sudden turn put tension on the cables inside the balloon of the ship, causing one to snap and cut through the canvas releasing its helium uncontrolled.

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