Chapter 25

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"You're like 200 centimeters tall dude, I'm under one fifty, I can sneak around unnoticed way easier than you can. I'll go, you stand watch, okay?" Lydia argued.

"Like hell you will! I'm the professional here. There's no way I'm letting you go. Keeping watch is your job." I argued back. I was going to mention her age, but I let that dog keep sleeping.

Lydia snorted at me. "Oh, yeah, sneaking around a house, outside, in the dark, that requires such a professional. I'm a 15 year old girl, I snuck off the farm unnoticed... shit, I don't know, a hundred times, more, not to mention sneaking away from parties that got busted and never getting caught by the Imperial sheriffs. I'd say I'm really good at sneaking. Plus, I'm lighter than you, 34 kilos, and I'm in all black."

"Yeah, but your jewelry sparkles in the moonlight." I replied.

She glanced out the window then back to me. "Fuck you Nells, it's a new moon."

Shit, I didn't think she'd notice. That was a point in her favor. Before I could flat out tell her no, to stay in the car and simply head out, she grabbed the small bag I was holding with the bugs in it and opened her door.

"Hey! Get your ass back in the car!" I told her a bit loudly.

"Shhhsh." Lydia shushed me. "You keep guard and watch my ass as I cross the street. Be right back." She said then clicked the door quietly closed and was gone.

I was going to head out after her, grab the bag of bugs and send her back, but when I looked up from cussing to my lap, she was gone. It'd been only a second, I looked around, I couldn't see her anywhere. I grabbed my spectroscope and looked at the house. There were five heat signatures in the house, Fat Prick and four slaves. They lit up most of the view, I angled the scope down a touch. I found Lydia's signature. I was a bit shocked to see how small of a signature she had. It looked like only her head, neck and a bit of her legs showed. She moved to another location along the front of the house. I had to assume she was planting the small bugs in the corners of the windows in front. Her signature moved down the front of the house to the end then vanished.

"What the hell?" I whispered to the interior of the car.

I could see everyone in the house. Why had Lydia's heat signature vanished? About half a minute later I picked her up again, I assumed once she'd made it to the back of the house. I could see the tiny dot of heat from her hand as she reached up and placed the bugs. Holland had given them to... us... that seemed weird to say, us. They had an audio pickup and a fisheye video camera. He'd said the video wasn't the greatest, but it was better than nothing. They were very small and attached via a small suction cup that centered on the camera and picked up voices through glass, the suction cup was the microphone.

Lydia was now where the double sliding glass doors were. Her heat signature moved up off of the ground. How, I have no idea. It looked like she placed bugs at the top corners of the glass doors. They were near the kitchen in a small dining area. Just as she returned to the ground, a light came on inside the house, shit! Did Fat Prick have a proximity alarm that Lydia had tripped?

Lydia startled me when she opened the door to the car. I hadn't seen her cross, I was watching Fat Prick's movement. I didn't let her know she'd caught me off guard.

"Hey." Lydia said as she climbed in then gently closed the door to the car. Then she looked towards me. "All done." She pulled her seatbelt across herself and latched it. "Got bugs on every window, except for the bathroom window, that had security glass on it, can't see through it. And there aren't any windows on the west end of the house, looked like a stone chimney." She informed me.

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