4: What We Do Around Here

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It was on the third day of interviews when the detective asked a question that Sanyu realized he wasn't going to prison.

"What do you want to do in this world? For the rest of your life, seeing as we can't send you back.".

The boy just stared at him in shock. It was like he short circuited.

What did he want?

No one had asked that. Not ever.

"I'm setting you up with a foster family, that's for sure, but you should have some choice. You're getting a whole new identity. Well, sort of. You keep your name and all that but we basically put you into witness protection. None of this will follow you around this world. Unless I guess you want it to.".

Sanyu just stared at him. He was having a hard time sticking to the scripting. It was hard enough in Japanese already, but how did he answer that?

The first thing he remembered was something Jackson had told him.

You always want to get back to normal. That's the best way to heal.

What was his normal? Hero work, he supposed.

"I want to be a hero." He said. He didn't answer any questions about the foster family. He didn't even really know what that meant.

Tsukauchi smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that. An acquaintance of mine, Nezu, offered you a place in the hero program at U.A. It isn't hero work, its a training school. You have to do half normal classes, half hero training, but its the closest thing I can get for a 15 year old. Really you shouldn't be doing full time hero work at this age anyways." He said.

"Thank you sir." Sanyu said honestly. The man smiled.

"I've got your temporary foster parent before we can place you with a family right outside if you want to finish this up and go say hi." The detective offered. Sanyu nodded, a little anxious to be living with someone he didn't know.

He signed some paperwork and was told his new ID cards would arrive in a week or so, right before he started school.

Sanyu watched as Tsukauchi opened the door and nodded to him as he wheeled himself out.

To his shock, it wasn't some stranger standing there waiting for him.

Takami Keigo was standing alone in the hallway with Sanyu's leg in his left hand.

"Hey kiddo." The man said with a smile. "You ready to blow this popsicle stand?".

Sanyu nodded. The hero handed him the leg and with great satisfaction the boy pushed it back into the socket.

The adults were mesmerized by the bright white light and the insanely complicated locking system the leg had.

When it was finally secure it beeped happily. Without hesitation Sanyu got out of the wheelchair like over a week of not walking didn't affect him.

He supposed they could put off physiotherapy and just go straight to the regular kind then.

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Keigo's apartment was really different from the ones he had been inside. Usually penthouses this luxurious would be decorated to the nines with expensive and impractical furniture with art coating the wall.

This one thought...it felt more like the home of a 23 year old. The ceilings were crazy high and every doorway was impossibly wide. To accommodate the wings, Sanyu supposed. The couch looked soft and there were at least a dozen blankets surrounding it.

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