58: In The Know

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"What's going on, Keigo?" Sanyu asked.

The family was sitting on the couches in the living room, each with a mug of tea in their hands. It helped diffuse the tense atmosphere from earlier. Bunny was sitting at Sanyu's feet and Captain was flopped in his lap.

"The hero commission asked for me to find some information." He said, purposefully keeping it vague. He wanted to tell them both the truth, but he couldn't. They would be in danger if they knew everything. "And I found it. In 4 months the league of villains, combined with the meta liberation front, will attack. Their plan is to attack major cities across Japan to capitalize off the chaos. Then they'll arm the population in the name of self defense, effectively turning them against the heroes and creating a society based on personal responsibility and violence.".

"The lines between powerful and weak quirks will be exacerbated greatly and should they succeed the heroes will never be able to mobilize fast enough to fight back. So many of them have deserted already." Keigo continued, "Something is going on with Shigaraki Tomura too. No one's allowed to meet with him right now. He's in hiding, but not the normal kind. He was seen once at the official merger party, with white hair.".

Sanyu nodded along, his metal leg whirring as he thought deeply about the situation.

"Where's our ground zero then?" Tao asked. He knew more about military strategy than even Sanyu. He'd seen millions of scenarios play out, each different and flawed. Then he'd gone through them, picking each detail apart until he had something perfect.

"Jaku City in two months." Keigo said simply. "We're dividing into multiple teams, each with a different job." .

"Evacuation crew, capture crew, front lines." Sanyu said. Keigo nodded. "This may sound wrong but I don't know if heroes here can...I don't know, handle this? I don't think they'll be able to take a battle like this.".

"What do you mean like that?" Keigo asked, confused.

"He means that mentally you can't take a fight like this. The villains-they don't give a shit. Their goal is to be the aggressors, strike first and strike hard." Tao explained, "If we lose everyone will desert the line of work, just like you said. But if we win, then what? How are the pros going to cope?".

"They've fought hard battles before." Keigo defended. Tao shook his head, shooting Sanyu a quick look before continuing.

"A battle is not a war. This is a war you hope to minimize to one battle, but already isn't. The Deika city attack was battle number one, we lost." He said simply. "They're not soldiers and although you have mental and physical health systems in place they'll quickly be overrun with pros.".

Keigo's eyes widened at the realization. Tao was right. They would be in shambles no matter how it panned out. "I think I finally get what people mean when they say there are no winners in a war." He said with a choked out laugh, "The higher ups aren't taking this nearly seriously enough, apparently.".

"Only the dead have seen the end of war." Sanyu quoted, his eyes hollow and unmoving from their place on the floor. "Even now we can't escape it.".

"Hey, this'll be different, I promise." Tao said, putting a hand on Sanyu's shoulder, "We're not alone, there are no artillery shells or orders being barked at us. Heroes are different here.".

"That's assuming they'll even let me near the battle." Sanyu said, "I doubt they'll put teenagers on the field. It's unthinkable for a place as nice as this.".

Keigo swallowed, remembering his last briefing with the Public Safety Commission. "Actually...".

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