62: I Love You

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Jackson felt like he was being fooled.

Some otherworldly being was fucking with him. That had to be it.

Because the boy in front of him looked so much like Sanyu, yet so different. Same containment suit, same prosthetic and same skin tone, the same face, but apart from that it was all different.

His hair was longer, so much longer. Nothing like the buzz cut the kid had been forced to maintain. He was taller by a lot. Broader too. More muscle than Sanyu had been able to gain as a 15 year old.

He could be a Sanyu. He was a dead ringer in everything except hair and body type. But he couldn't be Jackson's Sanyu. He could let himself think like that.

For months after losing him he'd been consumed with the hope that the kid would show up in Queens one day with a dimpled smile and a request to stay for a while.

He'd just moved past that and started truly accepting that when Tao disappeared. The man clutched the weapon in his hand, his leather gloves creasing at the angles as he kept it steady.

So he couldn't allow himself to hope.

The boy shifted, blinking at the world around him with the same bright grey eyes as the boy Jackson had lost.

The world stood still for a moment as the pair's eyes met.

The man felt like he couldn't breathe. Like he couldn't blink. He was completely paralyzed in that moment. At the mercy of time.

"Jackson?" The boy asked. His tone was heartbreaking. So soft and hopeful. It was barely above a whisper but everyone heard it loud and clear.

Suddenly the boy's whole face morphed into a massive, ear splitting grin. His dimples appeared and his eyes crinkled every so slightly at the corner. "Jackson!" He repeated, much happier and more sure of the word. He looked astonished.

Oh fuck.

It was Sanyu.

It was his Sanyu.

Without waiting another second the man dropped the gun in his hand and sprinted for the patch of forest the boy had landed on.

He bent down and in one swift, super strength assisted movement he scooped his boy into his arms.

And he held him like at any minute he could disappear again.

What surprised him was when two strong arms reached around his neck and hugged him back. They were so firm yet trembling.

Sanyu had never felt so strong in his arms before.

The boy's body was wracked with sobs and Jackson's misty eyes soon turned teary as well. He could feel the thick fabric of his technical outfit being soaked through as Sanyu shook in his arms.

He tried shushing the boy through his own tears, but it only served to make them both sob harder. "It's okay." The man said, his voice breaking with tears. "It's okay now.".

Sanyu shook his head, burying himself deeper into the man's chest and tightening his grip on the man's clothes. "Oh, mi tesoro." Jackson cooed, ignoring the tears pouring down his own cheeks.

It didn't seem like either of them were going to let go or say another word for the foreseeable. But then there was another thud just to the left.

Tao blinked the stars out of his eyes and figured out pretty quickly what had happened. He'd known what was about to happen but he'd been unable to stop it.

Still, look at the pair right now he figured it was worth it in the end.

"Tao?" Jackson asked, confused.

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