61: Awakening

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Before anyone knew what was happening Tomura's quirk began to decay the hospital, nearly toppling a building down on several heroes and Sanyu and Mirko.

The hero acted quickly, hoisting Mirko onto his shoulders and flying her away from the hospital and into the forest in hopes of meeting up with a police squad.

"I have an injured hero just north of the hospital." He said into his com. "Requesting assistance.".

"Copy that Supernova." One of the many hero coordinators on the other end of their com devices answered. "Sending assistance asap."

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Tomura looked out at the city with a wide, stretched smile. "Chaos." He said to himself, pleased. "Exactly as my teacher anticipated.".

He had worked so hard, undergone so much, for this moment. Terror overcame the city, heroes were probably deserting left and right, overwhelmed by the task set before them. Gigantomachia should be arriving any minute. The unstoppable giant villain was a testament to his power, to his status as the new symbol of fear.

As All For One had been captured, All Might had proclaimed that there would be no symbol of fear.

But in the absence of a symbol of peace, fear will always find a way.

And in the end, don't people like fear more? There is no greater motivator, no better force of the mind than fear. Joy couldn't force an agenda like fear could


"Endeavor." Tomura responded without missing a beat. "It seems you've failed as the number one. Look around you, look at the decay!".

The hero just gritted his teeth and aimed a powerful blast. Shigaraki deflected the fire with a well placed air current, dissipating it to nothing but flickers and smoke.

"Is that the best you can do?" He asked with a smirk. Endeavor glared in return.

"Your arrogance disgusts me." The man glowered. Tomura smiled even wider.

"As do you, Todoroki Enji." He replied. The hero charged him, flames burning brightly. Tomura's eyes glinted as he laughed.

Enji collided with him, bringing him up into the air. Tomura pushed off the hero, easily sailing above him. He then aimed a large air current down at the hero.

Right before he launched it though he saw Ryukyu flying up to aid her fellow hero. 'How sweet' Tomura thought to himself before changing the angle of his strike.

The air built up so quickly it launched Endeavor towards the ground at breakneck speeds, slamming into and burning Ryukyu in the process.

The dragon hero let out a painful noise as the heat of Endeavor's flame injured her through the tough scales.

He stood with his arm raised in the air, on top of their barely moving bodies. "Isn't this the pose you did? When you defeated that high end?" He asked the silent Endeavor. "I must hand it to you, I do feel victorious posed like this.".

Suddenly something wrapped around his raised arm, pulling him back. Shigaraki was quick to decay it, looking around for the cause.

Midoriya and Bakugou stood there panting with Eraserhead at their side. Izuku glared at him and readied black whip again as Bakugou waited for some sweat to gather for a larger explosion.

"Ah, if it isn't the successor!" Shigaraki said, sending a wave of fear through Deku. How did Tomura know who he was? Who told him?

The villain held all the power now. At any moment he could out the true nature of Midoriya's quirk to every hero here. Hell, he could have already told the villains.

Supernova (BNHA x Male OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें