33: You Know Nothing

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Because of Sanyu's 'unique situation' and therapy schedule, he wasn't living in the U.A dorms like the rest of his classmates.

However, he was there pretty often. This was his first time taking Bunny and Captain though. Although nobody knew he had Captain with him, because he was on a mission.

Sanyu knocked on Koda's room door twice and waited outside awkwardly. The rocky teen hadn't come down at all in the time he'd been there, so he probably didn't even know Sanyu was in the building but oh well.

Except Koda opened the door and startled back at least two feet. "Oyama!" He squeaked. Sanyu waved to him and attempted an awkward half smile.

"I need your help." The black haired teen said seriously. Koda nodded frantically and started signing.

"What is it you need help with?" He signed. Sanyu was relieved that his classmate was willing to help him.

"Tokoyami said you were good at keeping secrets." Sanyu said ominously. It was interesting. Koda usually signed instead of speaking, but he wasn't deaf or mute. Just painfully shy. At first Oyama had been signing back to him instead of speaking, thinking he was. Occasionally he still signed along with speaking but one of his hands was occupied petting Bunny.

"Yes..." Koda signed, eyeing the dog. Sanyu nodded and stepped into the room. Koda looked incredibly nervous. What was Oyama doing here?

Then he reached for his coat and the hero student nearly fainted from shock. Inside Oyama's coat was a tiny black bunny that poked its head up and twitched its nose at its new surroundings.

"You have a rabbit. I want Captain to meet other bunnies." Sanyu explained. Koda eyed the bunny and his classmate. They kind of looked the same, what with Oyama's longer, shaggy hair and the rabbit's floppy ears.

Koda gestured to where his bunny, Snowball, was sitting on the floor inspecting the guests from a distance. Sanyu put Captain on the ground gently and he immediately went to check out Snowball.

There were a few tense seconds where Koda and Sanyu were worried they wouldn't get along, but the two quickly started grooming each other. That was a good thing, Sanyu had seen that on the internet.

Bunny's tail was wagging and she looked up at Sanyu for permission to go play with the bunnies. "Быть нежным." Sanyu said before gesturing for her to go. Bunny bounded over but was as always, surprisingly careful and conscious of her much larger size.

"What did you say?" Koda signed.

"'Be gentle'," Sanyu explained, "apparently she was trained in Russian.".

"And she understands 'be gentle'?" Koda asked, surprised. Sanyu shrugged.

"So far she's understood everything I've said." He said. The boy realized that meant Bunny was probably incredibly smart, but he already knew she was smart. Koda could talk to animals, it should be that shocking to him.

The pair watched as their animals played around for a while. Their little playdate was going surprisingly well, especially considering that bunnies could be very territorial. But with Koda as a translator everything was going smoothly.

Then they heard something strange from outside the dorms.

"What was that?" Koda signed. Sanyu walked over to the balcony and let himself out, careful to close the door behind him. He put his right shoe on as he stared out at the campus.

Someone was fighting in the fake city. It was pretty easy to tell from here that Bakugou was involved too. No one else had explosions like that.

Sanyu just turned to face Koda and signed 'I'm going to go check it out' before flying off. Both Captain and Bunny rushed to the glass door, shocked by their human's sudden disappearance. Also they had never seen him fly before, so that must have been a shock.

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