49: This Is (Not) A Drill

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"Who'd have thought it'd be your savior! Is he like you knight in shining armor? Your Romeo stabbing himself first! He took a bullet to the chest and stole your heart?" Neijire said. "I have about a million more of these. The Patroclus to your Achilles, wearing your armor to take your place in a tragedy! The-".

"I think he gets it, Neijire." Tamaki interrupted. Neijire pouted and folded her arms.

"Well excuse us for trying to get interested in our friend's love life! This is big news! He hasn't had a crush since that blue haired guy who graduated last year." The girl stated. Mirio hung his head in embarrassment.

"You two are making a big deal out of something that isn't going anywhere." The boy said. He tried to sound teasing, but it just came out sounding sad.

Neijire shot him a concerned look. "Why would it not go anywhere? You like him, you're handsome and absolutely ripped-not to mention the nicest person and biggest catch in the world. Why wouldn't he go for you?".

"Well..." Mirio trailed off. There were so many reasons, but the one he settled on telling them was, "I don't even think he likes men.".

"He definitely likes men." The girl said, nodding her head. "My gaydar has never been wrong. Every interaction you have with each other screams 'gay panic' or 'gay confusion'. Sometimes both.".

"I agree." Tamaki said with a small smile, "I think you've got a real chance.".

"Even if I had ever had a chance, it's not like he thinks of me that way. I'm 2 years older than him and worked with him as a mentor. He doesn't think of me like that." Mirio pouted. Not that he had really been much of a mentor to Sanyu. They were more like equals if he was being honest.

"Then make him see you that way!" Neijire said with a smile, "Dial up the romance, lover boy. Buy him flowers, ask him out! Find out what kind of music he likes! Go on, sweep your cyborg boy off his foot!".

Mirio groaned. "You did not just say 'foot'." He said, shaking his head. Neijire just laughed evilly.

"Hey guys-" Another student said, ducking their head into the changing room, "We're just about ready for you!".

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The moment Sanyu sat down in class that morning he pulled out his phone and googled 'fever symptoms'.

"Ah, are you feeling sick Oyama?" Kirishima asked as he took his seat next to the boy.

"I think so." The boy said. That had to be it, right?

But despite popular belief (of his family, mostly) Sanyu wasn't that naïve. He knew it wasn't just something random (if only because it went away when Mirio did). He sighed and closed his phone without even looking at the search results.

He'd had crushes before. Hell, every year when he was a kid he'd walk into his classroom and his eyes would land on someone and he'd make that sort of an observation.

But this was different.

The moment Mirio had walked away it had hit him like a ton of bricks that he felt something other than friendship for Mirio.

Sanyu couldn't help but think it was depressing that a person like him was able to feel those sorts of things.

He wasn't incapable of love-he loved his family deeply. He loved his friends.

But he was so fucked up in so many ways. He'd probably never really know how deep the programming went. Inue had been slowly trying to help him unpick it and he could finally say with confidence he was his own person. He was also slowly learning that having feelings for people who weren't women weren't bad in the first place.

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