52: Stratagize

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"So, what's on the schedule for today?" Keigo asked between bites of cereal.

"Well I was going to meet with Bakugou and Midoriya. All Might will probably be there too. Then I was going to train with Mirio. He asked me to spar with him the other day." Sanyu said, "I have a session with Inue to talk about facing my nightmares. That's about it.".

"A busy Saturday." The pro hero observed. "I've got a shift today, so I'm afraid it'll be just you at home Tao.".

"Oh don't worry about me." Tao said with an overly innocent smile. "I'll make my own fun. I'm sure I can manage it.".

"What are you planning?" Sanyu asked, smiling at the man. Tao fluttered his eyelashes.

"Planning? Me? Never!".

Both Keigo and Sanyu laughed. "Just don't get yourself into anything too troublesome or too public. We've already got the entire U.A staff convinced we're dating. The last thing we need is for the whole of Japan to think we're seeing each other.".

Sanyu watched as Tao's expression displayed a tiny, itty bitty bit of hurt before he broke out in a smile.

"Well people are gonna think what they're gonna think." He said with a laugh. Sanyu sent his uncle a concerned look but Tao didn't respond to it.

Later before Sanyu left he decided to ask. "Why were you upset?".

Tao sighed. "You're too young to understand this-" "I'm not 12 anymore." Sanyu interrupted. "Okay, fine. Maybe you are old enough to understand that feelings are complicated. People have a lot of them and they're not always wanted.".

"You think Keigo doesn't want your feelings?" "I don't want my feelings kid.".

Sanyu tilted his head to the side, confused. Tao's face softened to something almost sad. "No matter who it is I like, they're not gonna like me that way. They could be like Keigo-gay as the day is long-and no matter what I'm not even an option.".

"I thought he was more mad that he wasn't actually with you." Sanyu pointed out. Tao sighed heavily and smiled at the boy.

"Oh, you should ask Mirio if he wants to train with you while you meet with Bakugou and Midoriya, they're going to be training anyway. You need to be with Mirio at the same time. Trust me and Korean tradition on this one." The man said.

Sanyu had learned long ago not to ask why this all had to happen, but he did anyway. Tao whispered something in mandarin into his ear that made the boy blush furiously before he shrugged his jacket onto his sleeves awkwardly and dashed out the door.

---------- --------- ----------- -------- ---------- ----------

Of course Sanyu followed Tao's advice. It always worked out. But it was a bit strange to show up to the gym last since he didn't live on campus and see Mirio, Bakugou, Midoriya and All Might all staring at him.

"Sanyu!" All Might said, not bothering with formalities, "It's great to see you again. I was hoping we could talk after you finish your session and I get a chance to observe Black Whip up close?".

"Is that what you're calling it?" The boy asked under his breath. "That's what the quirk's original user called it." All Might murmured back. Sanyu's eyebrows shot up for a second before he schooled his expression.

"We'll have a long conversation then." He said simply before directing his attention at the place where Mirio was stretching.

Honestly he liked Mirio's hair now more than he liked it usually. Like this it was fluffy and unstyled. Cuter. The teen blushed at just the thought of thinking of someone as cute. How was he supposed to survive all of this?

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