12: Dream A Little Dream Of Me

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The apartment was so comfortable. Cozy yet stylish décor, clean white walls and ceiling and all sorts of photos on the wall. Warm light was streaming through the windows, splashing out across the shiny wood floors. It was warm, calm and quiet, three things Sanyu's dreams never were.

"Am I still dreaming?" The boy asked. The man-Haemon-smiled ever so slightly. He reminded Sanyu a bit of Keigo. They both had blond hair and sharp features. But where Keigo's eyes were gold, Haemon's were a bright, ruby red. Their mannerisms were very different as well.

His demeanor was comfortable. A bit formal, but not stiff, if that made sense.

"You are." He confirmed, "This is all just a dream. Albeit a very vivid one.".

Slowly Sanyu put it all together. "You're Haemon Aleixo, Dreamweaver." He said. The man nodded in acknowledgment. "I attended a memorial service for you. You died 5 years ago.".

"I did, in a way." Haemon said. He walked over to the couch and sat down, gesturing for Sanyu to sit next to him. "You understand a little bit of my powers, yes?". Sanyu nodded. "Well dreams are their own dimension. I left that dimension 5 years ago to remain in this one.".

"Why?" Sanyu couldn't stop himself from asking. Haemon stared at the floor, his gaze suddenly turning cold.

"When Kamaria was assassinated I realized that this was not the life I wanted to lead. So I left. Now I live here and only appear in the dreams of those who call out to me." He explained. Sanyu nodded.

Kamaria and Haemon, Magic and Dreamweaver. They were two of the most known members of the Six. Always working together. Sanyu would have envied their friendship and teamwork if they hadn't died so tragically. Kamaria, the leader and founder of the Six, was assassinated 7 years ago in Belgium by a terrorist organization that wanted all people with powers 'put down'. Haemon had committed suicide 2 years later, citing in a short note that loosing his best friend had been two much.

Or...he hadn't committed suicide.

"How are you able to be here then?" Sanyu asked, "I've never met you before or called out for you.".

"But you did." Haemon said, his voice calm. "The jacket, it was mine.".

"I thought it was Jackson's." Sanyu said bluntly. Haemon nodded. "I gave it to him before I died. He probably never wore it, considering it survived long enough to be given to you." He said.

"I've been seeing your dreams for a while now. Yuliana, Whisp, as you always call her in your dreams, still calls out for me. I saw you in her dreams and got curious. Then I felt the connection." He explained.

"You have some graphic nightmares, Sanyu. Or should I say memories?". The boy could do nothing but nod, taking a deep breath. "Would you like to talk about them?".

"No." The boy said quickly. Probably too quickly, it was impolite. "I just want them to stop." He whispered, his eyes looking haunted.

Haemon put a firm hand on his shoulder. "To make them stop you have to talk about them." Haemon explained, "Unless you work through this you'll never escape them. The cycle can last forever. I've been inside enough people's heads to know that.".

It was the truth. Blunt, but not rude. Haemon continued, "If you don't want to speak about them with your therapist you can always speak about them with Keigo.".

"How do you know about Keigo?" Sanyu asked.

"You dream of him occasionally. I don't know he is, not truly, but I know he is trustworthy." Haemon answered.

"Why?" Sanyu questioned, his filter slowly slipping away. It was just a dream anyways, he didn't need the scripting.

"Because in every dream he's in he tries to save you." The former hero answered simply. Haemon was not one for sparing details, it seemed. Sanyu felt himself blush at that. He didn't even think it was possible to blush in a dream.

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