40: I'll Be Her Hero

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It took quite a while for Sanyu to catch up to Mirio, but when he did it seemed like the older teen had already found what they were looking for.

Sanyu and Mirio stared down Chisaki and Chronostasis, who was holding Eri in his arms.

"It seems like you're in a bit of a hurry," Mirio said, panting from the effort of catching up with them, "But can I ask you a few questions?".

"Still playing the hero, are we Mr. Student?" Chisaki said, sounding bored. "Learn to understand, this girl doesn't want you to save her. She doesn't need a hero.".

"That's why I'm here." Mirio proclaimed, his determination audible in his voice.

Chisaki rolled his eyes and turned away. "Then let's make this simple." He said. His guard was down, so Mirio tried to run for him, but ended up falling against the wall. Sanyu tried to reach for him, but lost his own balance.

"What..." Mirio breathed, shocked.

Someone laughed from the ceiling. "What? Are you feeling a bit drunk?". It was one of the Eight Bullets-no-two. One hanging from the ceiling and the other dropping down from it.

Mirio phased half through the ground before a wave of purple light stopped him in his tracks.

"What's your quirk?" The villain asked.

"Permeation. When activated I can slip through anything." He answered without hesitation. And without a choice. "Supernova, keep your mouth closed." The older teen instructed.

"What's the point of using a hero name now?" Chisaki said as he walked further away, "I've already seen his whole face, and yours now. Hiding anything is pointless.".

One of the villains shot twice at Mirio who easily dodged, then turned to Sanyu, who was bracing himself against the wall. It felt like fighting drugged. When, during training, they'd give him some sort of sedative and see how well he could break people's arms while under the influence. If he used his powers right away he'd kill everyone by collapsing the tunnel.

He felt disgusting on multiple levels.

"You're just using Eri to make yourself feel better, aren't you?" The villain asked.

"No." Sanyu said resolutely. "I'm not.". It was involuntary, but the truth.

The villain clicked his tongue at the answer and shot again, this time at Sanyu. One well enough focused beam of light disintegrated the bullet to the point it barely bounced off the wall.

Mirio lunged forwards, finally gaining his balance back. "Ultimate move-" He gritted out, punching the first villain, "phantom menace!".

He easily subdued the henchmen. Sanyu used it as an opportunity to fly past them, slamming right into Chronostasis and grabbing Eri out of his arms before she hit the ground.

"No!" The girl whispered, "He'll kill you.".

"It will be okay." Sanyu replied, holding the girl closer to him like he was scared she would disappear. Mirio launched for Chisaki himself, nailing the man right in the face.

"Don't worry Eri!" The blond shouted. "I'll become your hero.". He glared at Chisaki, who looked shocked.

"Come back Eri." The villain said. "You break people, you kill people. It's how you were born." He turned to face them again, seemingly recovered from the hit.

"Each and every action you take kills people.".

"How could you say that about your own child?" Miro shouted, outraged.

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