43: Take A Good Look

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What felt like ages later they were busy preparing for the cultural festival. U.A was in full swing, with just a few days until go time.

Sanyu had been to quite a few big events, but he'd never seen the preparation for them before. It was somehow even more impressive.

Being one of the only members of the class who could fly he had been given a job in the special effects crew. He liked the idea, but he also felt bad for Eri. She was excited to see him and Midoriya, but she would barely see Deku for a second and probably wouldn't see him at all.

Still, the idea of using his powers to do something other than shoot explosions of energy or concentrated beams intrigued him. It was Midoriya who had suggested it at first. Apparently Bakugou was capable of making sparklers with his hands and shooting off harmless little sparks. From that Midoriya suggested Sanyu was capable of making little sparkles from his power's explosions if he just toned it down enough.

It had taken a while, but he thought he'd finally figured out how to make them harmless. It sounded like a small achievement, but all his powers really did was hurt people and let him fly, which could hurt people if he wasn't careful. Sparkles...that seemed like a dream come true.

"Oyama! Togata's here to see you!" Kirishima called out. Sanyu tilted his head to the side, confused, but flew down from where he was rigging ropes in the rafters nonetheless.

"Hiya!" The senior said, a wide smile on his face. Sanyu was about to wave when his eyes landed on a familiar sight.

"Eri!" He said excitedly. The little girl perked up and moved from where she was hiding behind Mirio to hold onto Sanyu's pant leg. The way she favored his left leg...it was heartwarming in a way. Sanyu had always thought kids would be scared of that kind of stuff. He had already been proven wrong by the play group Ectoplasm had taken him to though, so he shouldn't be that surprised.

Mirio smiled at the pair. He'd gotten pretty good at telling when both Eri and Oyama were smiling even if they weren't physically. With Eri her whole body relaxed and she stopped fussing with her new clothes so much. With Oyama his eyes lit up, sometimes even physically glowing.

He hoped that soon he'd get to see them both smile for the first time. He wasn't even sure if Midoriya had seen his classmate smile.

Knowing the guy's secret, it was like looking at a new person, yet not. He was looking at the junior he had fought and recommended to Nighteye but at the same time was wondering how many of those skills were forced into him.

Sanyu looked like a well oiled machine of a hero. Muscular, on the taller side for his class and agile. Crazy flexible too. But he wasn't born that way. It was something he was molded into. Mirio couldn't help but wonder if he liked it or if all the extra training he did to maintain it was just a habit.

Disregarding his thoughts, Mirio smiled widely at the pair. "Nezu told me to take Eri around U.A so she can get used to it before the festival. Do you wanna come along?".

Sanyu nodded enthusiastically and put down the box of effects he was holding. He also took the headband he had been wearing out of his hair and put it back in, making sure he caught all his bangs this time.

It suited him, the long hair. Sanyu loved it. It was the exact opposite of how it had been as a kid and while he was in the Six. Back then he always buzzed it off when it got too long. Now it was just past his shoulders. Sure, he didn't really know what to do with all of it, but he had all the time in the world to figure that out.

The trio set off in search of some cool things to show Eri.

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