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Sanyu snuggled further into the pillows. It was just so warm. So comfortable. The days were getting colder again and he just wanted to be cozy. He never wanted to leave.


He furrowed his brow. Why was it so noisy? He just wanted to sleep!


Captain shifted in his arms. Damn it. The noise had gone and woken up the bunny. Now Captain was going to leave the bed and he wouldn't have anything to cuddle!

"Light of my life."

Wait. Why didn't he have anything to cuddle? Where was Mirio? Why wasn't he there to cuddle him?

"Apple of my eye."

Sanyu grumbled and searched around blindly with his arm, sorting through the sheets and blankets in search of his boyfriend.

"Sanyu, honey, I'm not in the bed" Mirio laughed.

"Why aren't you?" The black haired man asked, pouting. Mirio laughed and took a few steps closer to the bed, leaning over Sanyu's face and obscuring the sunlight. "You've gotta get up. I made breakfast and Eri didn't get to see you last night since you came home so late.".

"Eri's here?" He asked, stretching out like a cat. As predicted, Captain hopped off the bed. Sanyu huffed and stood up, his dog tags jingling as he did so.

"Yep." Mirio confirmed, "She came over yesterday after school. She's staying over here today and over the weekend because it's both of our weekends off.".

"It's never really a weekend off for me." Sanyu retorted, kissing his boyfriend quickly. Mirio kissed him back and moved the overgrown bangs out of his boyfriend's face.

"You decided you wanted to be the number one hero." He reminded him. Sanyu mumbled something incoherent in a language that was definitely not Japanese and stretched again, his leg recalibrating and whirring to life.

"I made waffles." Mirio said with a wide smile, "Eri helped.".

Sanyu gave him a cautious look. "How much did she help?".

"Oh come on. She's not that bad."

"I've never seen someone overcook lemonade before her." Sanyu countered. Mirio stifled a laugh and pecked Sanyu on the nose instead.

They were both disgustingly cute, honestly.

"It's not fair." Mirio fake complained, "I'm not used to you being the taller one.".

"It's one inch." Sanyu said with a shrug. "I don't get it either. My parents were definitely on the short side.". He was 5'9 for most of high school and Mirio was 5'11. Then Mirio got to 6'0 and thought that was the end of it.

Then Sanyu shocked everyone by gaining 4 inches of height in his last year, making him one inch taller than Mirio. They had even had to graft some metal from the shield to fill in the widened gaps of bulletproof metal in his prosthetic.

"Still." Mirio retorted. "Although at least you're not a giant like Todoroki.". Sanyu smiled. It's true-the ice prince was tall as hell. Bakugou was almost exactly Sanyu's height, Midoriya was a bit shorter.

But Sanyu should really leave height rankings amongst Japan's top 10 heroes to the tabloids. They did it best after all.

"You two are taking forever!". Eri opened the door to the bedroom with a wide smile. "Come on! I'm gonna be late.". Bunny bounded into the room after her, her tail wagging excitedly.

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