31: Good Game

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"Let's do this!" Mirio called out with a wide smile.

"Make sure to get the most out of this experience." Aizawa called out.

"Oh we will." Sero said, smirking. The group readied themselves to attack, positioning the close range fighters closest to their senior. An obvious strategy, but the only one that worked.

Sanyu wondered how this would go down. There were so many of them against just one of him. Togata...he must have some kind of confidence.

"Thank you for the offer to teach us, sir." Kaminari said confidently, "I look forward to what you can teach us!".

With that Midoriya, rushed Togata. Except the man didn't move one bit. Sanyu had predicted his quirk allowed him to move seamlessly, otherwise he would have felt much less confident with their staggered position, but he was still surprised when his friend's foot went right through the man's head.

"You went for the face, huh?" Togata said blankly. Several more attacks were launched through the guy's head and he didn't even flinch.

"Wait!" Iida called out, "He's gone!".

The man was in fact gone. Quickly Sanyu realized what was happening. He grabbed the person closest to him, which happened to be Kaminari, and flew up into the air.

"I'll start with the long distance fighters!" Togata said, popping out of the ground. The nearby students screamed and were promptly knocked down, out for the count. Sanyu himself wasn't that fond of solar plexus punches, but they were effective.

"His power isn't just slipping through things?" Sato asked, running towards the action.

"Damn...what kind of crazy strong quirk is this?" Kirishima asked as he did the same.

"Are you going to let me down?" Kaminari asked Sanyu, looking up at him.

"Do you want to win?" Sanyu asked instead of answering. "He can warp through the floor. The only way to beat him is from the air.".

Tokoyami was the next one to try attacking Togata. Sanyu was distracted by the off court dialogue coming from Amajiki though.

"That's not it." The gloomy senior said. "Mirio's quirk is nothing to be jealous of.".

"What you should be jealous of is his skill, first year boy.".

Sanyu's eyes traveled back to where Togata was destroying his class.

"Electrocute my leg." Sanyu commanded.

"What?!" Kaminari asked. "I can't feel it. Just do it." Sanyu said before shouting, "Everyone out of the way!".

The blond haired teen obliged. It was probably twice as powerful as his usual lightning strike after being more focused.

"Good try." Togata said, surfacing again, "But I'm too fast for that.".

Unfortunately, Kaminari's brain was shot after that and Sanyu flew close to the ground to let him down.

Togata took advantage of that and popped out of the floor, grabbing at Sanyu's leg to pull him down further. The boy blasted back, getting himself higher and probably hurting his senior at least a little.

He tried to hit the man before he took out his classmates but he could never make it in time. He was too slow, even if his beams traveled insanely fast.

"Mirio Togata...." Aizawa said off to the side, "As far as I know he's the man closest to being number one, including pros.".

That caught Sanyu's attention more than anything else said.

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