24: Nothing Other Than What You Are

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When Keigo signed up to be the guardian of a child at the tender age of 23 he never once expected to have to teach said child how to walk.

Namely because the child he signed up to take care of was 15 years old, not 15 months.

But here he was, doing his absolute best because that was what Sanyu deserved.

"Fuck!" Keigo said, lunging forwards. It was only the fact he had wings that could propel him faster than the average person that saved Sanyu from hitting the floor. Okay, so his best wasn't very good, but it was all he had.

"I've got you, I've got you." Keigo reassured, pulling Sanyu up like he was dead weight and maneuvering the teen into a sitting position on the floor. The hero took a deep breath and sat down across from the boy. "Maybe that's enough for today, huh?" He said, with an easy smile on his face, "We've been at this for a while and I don't want you to get hurt.".

Sanyu gritted his teeth and narrowed his eyes at the socket on his leg and then at the collapsed crutches next to him. Nezu hadn't given him a timeline for when he would get his prosthetic back. He had promised that none of the technology would be shown to unauthorized personnel, but that meant there weren't many people that could see it.

Unfortunately that also meant that for the meantime Sanyu would have to remain one-legged.

As easy as the wheelchair was, Sanyu didn't want to use it for however long it would take for his prosthetic to be repaired. So the hospital had given him crutches.

At first he didn't liked the look of them. They weren't temporary crutches. They were the 'permanent' kind. You know, the ones with the little circular guards around your forearms? Yeah those. But he had quickly learned that they were the next best thing to his leg. At least that way he would be able to walk under his own power. He wanted to keep training too. Keigo's home gym had made him a little spoiled when it came to working out or training however he wanted and Sanyu didn't like his new mobility restrictions one bit.

He supposed they were technically old mobility restrictions, he just hadn't faced them before.

Now, Sanyu was physically one of the most adaptable people you'll ever meet. He had been trained in so many things he couldn't even keep track. The government was desperate by that point, so when it came to the newer members of the Six they just threw everything at them and saw what stuck.

But his center of gravity had completely changed and with that change came a severe lack of balance.

"I want to keep trying." Sanyu said firmly. Keigo resisted the urge to sigh.

"Sanyu, kid, you're not going to be perfect at it immediately." The pro hero said, "And you don't have to be. You've never done this before.".

"It's just walking." The boy said, "I should be able to walk.".

"Not everyone has an easy time with walking, kid." Keigo reminded him, "There are all sorts of people out there.".

"But I can walk." Sanyu gritted out.

"I know you can." The pro hero said, his voice laced with sympathy. "This is a whole new challenge.".

Sanyu without scripting...what an experience. It felt like the floodgates had opened. Now that the boy's mind was letting him say whatever he wanted the boy was far more open. His face still wasn't the most expressive around others, but with Keigo he was much more free. It was beautiful to watch a whole personality come out of the silent, stoic kid.

One thing Keigo had noticed recently was the pouting. Sanyu had been pretty angsty the past two days but instead of shouting or crying he just sat there, a small pout stuck on his face.

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