28: And Suddenly Everything Changed

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Things were awkward at the apartment after that. Keigo tried his best, he really did, but his best right now was not talking about it at all.

He ended up not calling Hound Dog about what had been said. He figured Aizawa would tell him. Keigo was also determined to fix the problem on his own, he just had to work himself up to it.

He and Sanyu had talked about religion before. Neither of them were religious and to be fair very few Japanese people were. So that wasn't where he got the homophobia from.

It didn't make any sense. Sanyu had never mentioned it before. In fact he had barely mentioned romance in his world at all before. He said that Jackson, his mentor, was engaged to a woman named Mya. And although Keigo had originally assumed Haemon and Kamaria's relationship had been romantic, the man himself had explained that they were platonic soulmates, so to speak.

So Keigo didn't know what romance looked like in Sanyu's world. Not really at least. He had just assumed it looked the same.

And it wasn't like things couldn't change. Sanyu was young, hell even older people were able to unlearn their own prejudices.

That didn't mean it didn't hurt.

"What were you doing?" Keigo asked as he took a sip of his morning coffee. Sanyu stilled then shifted awkwardly in his chair. It was Saturday morning and the first time they had really spoken to each other since Wednesday when Sanyu was sent home from school early.

"Haemon's been trying to recreate movies from my world for me based on my memory." The boy explained, "I've been watching the bits and pieces while I sleep.".

Well the hero supposed that wasn't the worst thing. The real problem at hand was how much time Sanyu was spending asleep.

The boy had all but given up on overcoming his nightmares after the last one. Keigo had tried to convince him to give it another go, but after their little...altercation? Keigo's words meant nothing to the boy.

Well, he thought it did. Sanyu had tried. Unfortunately he had woken up sobbing the one time he did try and panicked. He didn't want Keigo to have to comfort him if he didn't want to but he also wasn't strong enough to cope with the nightmare's alone.

Perhaps the saddest part of all of this was that Sanyu didn't know what he had done wrong.

He knew getting that mad at Mineta was wrong and that using his powers to intimidate him was wrong, but beyond that he didn't know what the problem was.

No one had looked at the situation too closely. If they did they'd probably notice something was more than wrong. Unfortunately both Keigo and Aizawa had too many personal feelings on the matter to take Sanyu aside to get the whole story. They were both gay and would both end up getting more frustrated then understanding.

And the problem with that was it had been three days and Sanyu didn't even know why everyone was mad at him. He didn't know what he did wrong.

What he did know was that Keigo hated him now.

It was at times like these that he missed his world. It was awful. He hated it and it gave him the same dark feeling that seeing Clementine's dog tag in his jacket did, but he couldn't help it.

He really was messed up in the head to be missing a place that awful. Sanyu really couldn't help it though. His world was familiar, solid. He was hated and he knew why. He had rules and although they were wrong they were easy enough to follow.

Now it seemed like the rules of this new world were all out of whack and Sanyu didn't know how to adapt.

He didn't know how to do anything anymore.

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