25: Mending Thread

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"Keigo, what's this?" Sanyu asked, looking at the plastic card in his hand. There had never been any mail addressed to him before so he was curious as to what it was. Especially because it was from the hero commission.

"Oh, that's your provisional hero license." Keigo said, only barely glancing up from his phone. He was trying to email one of the hero coordinators at his agency to reschedule the next few weeks since one of his sidekicks was going on paternity leave.

"Why do I have a hero license? I thought the test wasn't for two more weeks?" Sanyu inquired. "You didn't...tell them anything to get them to give it to me, did you?".

"What? No." Keigo said, "The commission contacted me and said that as your legal guardian I should know they were issuing you a license. Apparently this year's test is modeled off the Kamino Incident, so there's no point in making you do it since you participated in the real thing.".

"Oh." The boy mumbled, looking over the bit of plastic in his hand. "How much does the hero commission know?".

Keigo tensed up. "Sanyu, they don't know anything. The only person who's part of the hero commission and knows was in that meeting I told you about and she was lovely. I would never tell the hero commission anything about you.".

The kid seemed instantly concerned. "You don't like them." He said, blunt as ever, "Why are you so worried about me getting involved with the hero commission? Aren't they the 'good guys'?".

'Why are you so worried about me getting involved with the hero commission?' Keigo repeated the words in his head hysterically. He knew the answer to that question, he knew it all too fucking well.

'Because you're everything they wanted me to be'.

They had done some crazy shit to Keigo when he was just a kid but Sanyu had undergone what sounded like real brainwashing. He was 10 times more susceptible to the influence of the wrong people. If the hero commission got a hold of Sanyu...Keigo didn't even want to think about it.

"I mentioned before that they sort of raised me, right?" The hero asked. Sanyu nodded, still looking worried. "Well they kind of did a shit job. They wanted me to be the ideal, perfect hero. I broke free of that ages ago, probably when I was 18 or so.".

Sanyu was suddenly stuck with how similar their childhoods were. But that didn't make sense. Keigo was perfect. He was everything a hero should be, his casual attitude and colourful vocabulary didn't change that. Then, he realized something else.

"You're really young." Sanyu said suddenly.

Keigo couldn't always track the kid's train of thought. He only said one of every seven ideas that popped into his head. Regardless, he responded.

"I am. I'm only 23 years old." He replied simply. Sanyu furrowed his brow.

"Why did you want to take me in? You should be out having fun. You never go out." The boy announced.

The hero resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Not because Sanyu was being tiresome or annoying because those were two things the kid could never be, but because that had been everyone's reaction.

Even now he was ignoring Tsukauchi's calls about new foster homes for Sanyu.

Why could no one understand that this was what Keigo wanted? It might not have been when he first signed up to be Sanyu's uncle, but it was what he wanted now.

When he had first decided to take Sanyu in, it had been temporary. Just until they could set him up somewhere stable.

But then they became stable and they both became attached. Well, Keigo was sure he became attached, he couldn't really speak for Sanyu. Although the way the boy reserved his most vulnerable moments for Keigo spoke to him feeling the same way.

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