51: Expect It Pt. 2

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Sanyu thought that maybe sending him off as bait was a bad idea. It seemed pretty clear to him that no one from class B was going after him.

There wasn't a soul around. They must think he's either not worth it or he's with Uraraka and the others.

Waiting for a fight was almost as bad as being in one. The anxiety was slowly killing him and his leg was aching horribly. More so than normal. He supposed normal people would probably have just not come to school today or sat this one out but that would be like letting the people who caused him this pain win.

Clementine had wanted him out of commission. She wanted him too busted to continue hero work.

Not dead, but not able to live the same life.

Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you want to look at it, that Chronos tech company was ahead of the game with prototypes ready and surgeons willing.

His own screams echoed between his ears at just the thought. He shook his head and refocused on the task at hand.

It was eerily silent. Probably because they were avoiding shouts or even talking. Shinso's quirk was voice activated apparently.

Mind control. It was cool. He had to admit that. It was also a wild card.

Sanyu had enough experience with people ordering him around with no resistance. More than worrying about being at another person's disposal again, he worried about the fallout. After all, Shinso would probably just tell him to walk himself to the jail cell. He wasn't going to ask Sanyu to kill anybody.

But Sanyu wasn't sure the rest of his brain knew that. He didn't want this to accidentally shock him back into his own mind.

Suddenly he was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of metal creaking. A fight had started up.

That was his cue to abandon whatever he was doing and head back to help his group out. It's not like he was doing anything anyways.

Not knowing he could fly was a great advantage so he decided to just run towards the fight, following the noise of attacks landing on buildings and fake exposed pipes until he could hear Monoma's voice.

"And because of him the symbol of peace is DEAD!" The blond shouted, "How can he smile, knowing that this-all of this-is his fault? Because Bakugou let himself get captured?!".

Sanyu winced involuntarily while he ran towards the scene. That was a sensitive topic, both for Bakugou and for Midoriya. He should know, he was there during their big fight. He kind of fucked it up too, but since then the two had been far more amicable, so maybe he did something right after all.

(Maybe he just convinced them that All Might had seen a lot of fucked up shit too so he deserved to retire whenever the hell he pleased).

Suddenly he heard something strange. Like the ripping of metal, but neither Monoma nor Midoriya's quirks should be able to do that. He had been told all about Monoma's copy before they started the drill.

Sanyu realized this might be something a bit more important than just an exercise, so he flew up into the air to bypass the wall of buildings between them.

"Deku!" He called out, searching for him. When he saw his friend he realized far too late that something was really wrong.

Some sort of black and green electric tentacle was coming out of his arm, flying around at random. Izuku grunted in pain as he slowly reached for the ground.

"I don't understand..." The boy said. Then suddenly the tentacles grew in strength. "RUN!" He shouted at Monoma, who didn't seem to realize the gravity of the situation.

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