17: Camp Isn't Like The American Movies At All

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"How are you so damn good at this?" Uraraka asked, throwing her cards down on the seat. Sanyu shrugged.

"I've had a lot of practice." He answered simply. It was true-Sanyu was a prodigy at card games. But he got that less from genuine practice and more from playing against soldiers from around the world. On missions there were no video games or memes to keep you occupied. Everyone back there was just as good if not better than him at card games.

The rest of 1-A had no idea what hit them when they started playing on the bus ride to their training camp.

"That's 7 victories for Oyama, 0 for everyone else." Iida announced, adding a tally to the piece of notebook paper he was holding.

"Let's play something else." Tsuyu said. The rest of the group, excluding Sanyu, laughed. They packed away the cards and tried to come up with another activity.

Sanyu, who had been on a lot of long car rides, immediately perked up. "How about we play the language game?" He suggested keeping his voice even to not show his excitement. It was his favorite game and he had spent ages trying to win at it but never did.

"What's that?" Uraraka asked. Sanyu panicked for a second. They didn't have that here. Of course they didn't. It wasn't even a 'thing' in his world. Just with the Six.

The rest of the group seemed to notice his reaction, however subtle it was, and backtracked.

"What are the rules?" Kirishima said, leaning back in his seat with interest.

"One person says something in another language, any language they want. The rest have to guess what they said and what language it's in and they get one point for each. You can also get a point if you can respond to them in the right language. If you can't guess it, the person speaking gets the point." Sanyu explained.

"Woah, I don't think I know enough words in other languages to play that." Kaminari said, "But I wanna try! Oyama, you can go first, we'll guess.".

They had gotten the whole bus's attention at this point. Even Aizawa looked vaguely interested. Sanyu's heart soared at the thought that they might actually enjoy their time with each other this way.

"Go on! Let's start, Iida can keep track." Ashido said, practically standing in her seat so she could see everything going on.

The boy nodded and tried to think of something easy. He decided on something that was decently recognizable.

"Ciao," He said, "piacere di conoscerti.".

Silence. Absolute silence. Sanyu once again panicked. Did he do something wrong? Did they not like the game?

Then the bus exploded with noise. A couple shouts of ideas, a few language suggestions and a few arguments broke out.

"Ciao is Italian." Aoyama said, winking at the class, "So start with that.".

"One point." Sanyu said with a nod. The class cheered.

"Okay, what about the rest of the sentence? What does it mean?" Yaoyorozu said, thinking hard about the answer. "It wasn't a question, that's for sure.".

The group thought long and hard but ended up unable to answer the question.

"Two points to Oyama!" Iida announced. Sanyu resisted the urge to smile.

"So what did you say?!" Kirishima asked.

"Nice to meet you." Sanyu said, "I wanted to start easy.".

"That was easy?!" Midoriya said, "Wait-no! I wanna try one harder. Keep going.".

The group waited as Sanyu tried to come up with something. They weren't likely to guess 'nice to meet you' as a meaning now that they had heard it once, so he decided to keep it the same.

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