26: Training Wheels Pt. 1

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"Bruise him.".

Sanyu heard the distinctive, demanding tone in the commander's voice and nearly shuddered. He was in a training room, the one with the reinforced walls. They had told him to dress in his containment suit and meet Commander Bates for a 'private training session'.

"That was an order." She barked out. Sanyu flinched and cursed himself mentally for doing so. "Why the hesitance? I ordered you to do it." The commander said forcefully. She took a step for him, her heavy boots clicking on the metal floor.

"Bruise him." She said, "Or I'll bruise you.". Bates was one of the more brazen trainers, but only with him. Around the rest of the Six she was kind, easily convinced and almost submissive. But like everyone who appeared nice, they changed the moment they were alone with Sanyu.

He had a reputation amongst the military for being the easiest hero to manipulate. He hated it, he hated it so fucking much.

But he couldn't help it. It had been drilled into his head that he had to listen to everything that they said. The guilt when he disobeyed was so overwhelming he nearly always ended up crying and physically vomiting.

Despite that, he kept his arms firmly at his side, not raising them to aim at the man across the room.

Sanyu recognized him. He had been amongst a group of weapons traffickers found and captured in Thailand. He had questioned then why he had been kept prisoner instead of being killed on sight like everyone else, but the people in charge had told him what they always did. 'Stop asking questions. It doesn't concern you'.

But it did concern him now, because he was being asked to hurt the man. The prisoner was restrained, cuffed to a horrifying looking metal chair that restricted his movement at every point.

"I can't bruise him." Sanyu said, the scripting rolling off his tongue easily.

"Why not?" Bates asked, leaning closer to him. He felt his skin grow goosebumps.

"I'll kill him. I can't control my powers enough to just bruise him." The boy recited simply. He kept it neutral and didn't mention his feelings in the matter at all.

"That's why we're here." Bates said angrily. "Because you went rogue and fucked everything up and now I have to retrain you.". Sanyu flinched again. "Oh? Does that scare you? Don't like the thought of going through all that again? Then maybe you should have left well enough fucking alone".

"I couldn't..." He whispered, "We all would have died.". Not just because of that one nuke, but because if a nuke landed anywhere on American soil the government would blow the rest of the world to kingdom come. It was a fact, not a theory.

"What a fucking pussy." She spat out. "You'd be better off just taking orders and not questioning them. Now, bruise him.".

"I can't." Sanyu protested, shaking his head. Bates lunged into action, grabbing his right arm with hers and gripping his jaw painfully with her left hand. It would leave bruises for sure, especially with her acrylic nails cutting into his skin. She aimed his hand right at the prisoner's head.

The boy heard his blood dribble to the floor but remained silent. He felt like he couldn't even breathe. "If you kill him you'll learn a whole new world of pain." She gritted out, "So just bruise him.".

Sanyu's right hand was trembling. He looked at the prisoner with wide, terrified grey eyes as if the man could do anything to save him. To stop this. If he begged for his life then maybe they'd just drag him back to prison and leave Sanyu alone. Leave both of them alone.

But the man didn't do a thing but look at Sanyu with an unreadable expression.

Commander Bates doubled the strength of her grip and the boy knew if she went any further she'd either dislocate his jaw or break his wrist.

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