59: Rocky

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"I'd like to take my training a bit more seriously." Sanyu explained.

Aizawa nodded and looked the boy over. "Implying my class isn't harsh enough is definitely an interesting way of going about this.".

"Mr. Aizawa I didn't mean-" "I get it kid, relax." The teacher said, waving his hand dismissively, "You need someone to push you and that's not something I can do because I've got 20 other pains in the asses to push.".

The teacher sighed. "Well if the current number one's training didn't help you improve then there's only one person in the world who can." He said, "I'll cover for All Might tomorrow so you can have some one on one time. He's done it before with other students, so he knows what he's doing. Hopefully that'll help you get better.".

"Thank you sir." Sanyu said, surprised at how quickly his teacher came up with a solution. Aizawa looked at him with a blank stare.

"You realize this is literally my job." He said. Sanyu blushed a bit and shrugged.

"I'm used to help being hard to acquire." The teen responded.

"Well who am I to deny you a good challenge? I'm a teacher, if one of my students isn't learning then something has to change.".

"Right." Sanyu said with a nod. He couldn't help but speculate on what he would be doing.

They had two months until the planned battle. He had two months to be in the best possible shape with the best handle on his energy. He couldn't just coast and hide the full range of his abilities anymore.

He needed to improve.

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Toshinori smiled kindly as he finished explaining what he wanted Sanyu to do.

"Just...take a lap?" The teen repeated, confused.

"Yep. Run one lap around the training grounds." Toshinori said with a nod. Sanyu eyed him suspiciously. "Go on, get going.".

Slowly at first Sanyu took off around the training grounds watching as he passed the rest of his class. They were doing weapon disarming again.

He kept a consistent pace throughout the lap and ended up right where he started, standing attentively waiting for the next directions.

"Alright," Toshinori said, "welcome to level one.".

Sanyu furrowed his brow, still very confused. Then he heard the familiar rumble of the training robots they constantly used. Three one pointers appeared on the other end of the field.

"Incapacitate the robots." The teacher said. Sanyu nodded and aimed his right arm at them. In three quick blasts he had destroyed them completely.

Toshinori nodded and smiled. "Level two. Go take another lap.".

So he did, once again passing the rest of his class and coming back to the starting point. This time it was five one pointers.

Sanyu blasted through them with no question. Then Toshinori sent him out for another lap with a thumbs up and a smile.

And this went on.

And on.

And on.

By level nine he had no idea what was coming. Every round had followed the same formula. First he faced three of whatever type of robot, then he faced five of them. All with a lap in between.

But they were out of those by now.

"Alright, take off your prosthetic.".

Sanyu looked at the former no.1 like he was crazy, and he was, because who the hell asks that?!

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