6: There's A First For Everything Pt. 1

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Sanyu held the key Mr. Aizawa had given him in his hand as he walked into the locker room. Apparently he was supposed to change and put everything in the locker. Simple enough. Standard enough.

But the things other students were pulling out of the oversized lockers was shocking. Giant grenades, tasers, capes, masks, a bunny costume. It was insane.

Heroes in this world dressed very differently than in his. With dread he locked eyes with the locker that matched the number on his key. It was like he was trying to win a staring contest with it.

"Hurry up everyone!" Iida, the class representative, called out.

"Cool down, we've got like 10 more minutes!" Kaminari, who had electricity powers from what Sanyu had seen, called back. Sanyu took a quick breath and shoved the key into the lock, twisting as he did so. He wasn't entirely sure what he would find in there. Honestly he was just hoping it wouldn't be some sort of clown costume.

He opened the locker with an abundance of caution that he immediately threw to the wind when he saw its contents.

It was his suit and jacket.

He thought he'd never see either of them ever again after the police took them off him. Typically they weren't prompt when it came to returning possessions. Especially if one of those possessions is made using a technology that, as far as Sanyu knows, doesn't exist in this world.

But the suit, gloves and boot barely mattered in this moment. The jacket was what he needed to see.

Sanyu reached into the locker and grabbed it with more force than he had originally intended. He checked the chest pocket, moving the fabric frantically in his hands.

There they were. Two silver dog tags hanging off the zipper. He felt them in his hand, turning them over to read the engraved messages he knew by heart. Orujav, Lela and Oyama, Sanyu.

Relief washed over him. Losing Lela had been hard enough, losing what she entrusted to him as the highest form of affection in the Six, well Sanyu would never forgive himself for that.

Honestly the tags were more for fun than they were actually to identify them if any member of the Six was found. There were so few of them and if the threat was big enough to kill them, you would know.

But they were still standard issue so giving your second tag to someone became the ultimate sign of trust. Sanyu opened the pocket and was relieved to see that the detachable chains for both tags were still there.

Also inside the pocket was a third tag. Seeing that it had survived the trip through space-time made Sanyu relieved. He didn't want to feel relieved, he wanted to not care at all, but he couldn't.

As mentioned earlier, the dog tags were a sign of trust.

Sanyu had always thought that if someone betrayed his trust he would chuck their tag into the next explosion he saw.

But then again he never thought that the person to break that trust would be who it was.

Still lost in the moment, Sanyu brought the jacket to his face for a brief moment. He just wanted to feel the strong fabric against his skin again. Years of memories lived in that jacket.

It smelled like blood and death. Not a pleasant sensory experience. But for a moment he could pretend that it still smelled like Jackson's laundry detergent.

"Dude, your hero outfit is so cool!" Sero, tape boy as his classmates had called him, said. It broke Sanyu out of his daze completely. "I've never seen something like that before.".

It attracted quite a lot of attention but everyone just took a look and went back to changing. Readying himself for the strange looks Sanyu started removing his uniform.

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