53: Festive Cheer

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"Ahh! Watch out!" Sato said. Hagakure didn't watch out and ended up with a bag of powdered sugar all over her.

"Aw geez. I just showered!" She said.

"Wow, we can see all of you now." Mina laughed. Hagakure threw some of the sugar on her.

"Wait-" Sanyu said suddenly. The bustle of the kitchen stopped for a second. "Hagakure, how can you see? You don't reflect any light through your eyes. You can't bounce light back, so how do you see?".

Silence fell over the kitchen as everyone realized 'yeah, that is weird'. The sugar covered girl just shrugged.

"Your guess is as good as mine." She said honestly, "I've never questioned it before.".

Sanyu nodded to himself, accepting the answer and the kitchen sprung back to life. "You're really curious about quirks these days." Hagakure said with a smile. Sanyu could see her smile now because of the sugar all over her, he'd never seen it before.

"Yeah I guess so." Sanyu replied, "You should get cleaned off before Bunny starts licking you.". Solid advice, in his opinion, because the dog noticed Hagakure immediately.

He was probably curious about quirks because he had no idea how to help Midoriya with all the changes he was going through and he wanted to learn how to. But that wasn't something to worry about now, so he went back to his job-icing cookies.

He was going to make the next one a bear.

Christmas was in full swing at the 1-A Alliance. There was a decorating team, a kitchen team and a games team. Sanyu had been put on the kitchen team for his attention to timing (something his classmates apparently lacked-case in point Tokoyami burning the cinnamon berry muffins an hour prior). They had planned a holiday party for 6pm and they had to be ready.

Christmas had never been a massive deal to Sanyu. People didn't tend to kick up a fuss this time of year, so he was usually on a lazy mission or back in training. He had seen a Christmas market in Germany before though. It was beautiful. So many sights and smells. He'd love to go back and see it again one day, maybe compare this world's to his own.

But this year he didn't want to fly anywhere or have some big classic Christmas. What he wanted was to have a fun Christmas party with his classmates and have Christmas cake. His parents never got one, no matter how nicely he asked as a kid. This time Sato was making one from scratch.

"I'm still tired out from media training." Ojiro lamented. Sanyu nodded in agreement. Mt. Lady and her press training...that had been something.

Turns out in this world people want to hear more from heroes than 'the situation has been cancelled' and 'that information is not available to the public'. Honestly he could probably say those phrases in more languages than most people could name. They were the only responses he was allowed to give.

So much had changed. It was crazy to see how many milestones were hitting at once. First his 16th birthday, then Christmas and soon New Years.

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"Merry Christmas!" The class called out in unison. Everything was finished-the place was decorated to the nines and the food was all finished. They had been given hideous-yet festive outfits. The decorating team had customized each of their santa hat pom poms. Sanyu's was a star, Mineta's was a purple ball, Izuku's was green, Uraraka's was a planet and so on.

Everyone settled on the couch to begin the party.

"So, I heard the work studies were back in action." Kirishima said with a grin, "I'm pumped but we've gotta be the busiest first years in U.A history!".

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