20: The Thing About Him Is...

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"What is going on?"

Aizawa had no patience for the secrecy anymore. He was in a meeting room with Detective Tsukauchi, Hawks, Hound Dog, Nezu and what looked like three high ranking members of a government agency, likely defense. One of which, a man named Kono, was leading the meeting.

"Mr. Aizawa, we are getting to that. There is an order to things, you know." The man said, obviously thin on patience. Well, so was Aizawa, and he bet that he was seven times more stubborn.

"This isn't about Bakugou, is it?" The man asked. Kono shook his head. "It's about Oyama, then.".

"Yes." The man answered simply. Aizawa almost smirked at being right. Oyama was the only thing that all these people had in common. Well, apart from the detective and members of government.

"Is it true that Oyama Sanyu hasn't been seen since yesterday?" The man asked. Aizawa nodded.

"He disappeared alongside another student, Bakugou Katsuki. You should already know this." The teacher said.

"He wasn't kidnapped." Hawks said, not meeting anyone's eyes. Tsukauchi nodded solemnly and wrote something down on his pad of paper.

"I also believe he wasn't kidnapped." Hound Dog said, surprising Aizawa. "There's no way he would allow himself to be kidnapped.".

"I don't know if you know all that much about kidnappings but people don't usually get a choice." Aizawa snapped, not quite sure what the group was getting at.

"He's too powerful to have been taken, willingly or unwillingly. And he wasn't a target, they wouldn't have taken him. Oyama didn't appear until well after the first attack." Nezu said, ignoring his bickering employees. "I think the reason for this must be something else.".

"We have evidence to suggest that Oyama was given orders that night." Detective Tsukauchi said.

The room went dead silent.

Aizawa thought back to that night. What Mandalay had said would certainly be considered an order. She gave him permission to fight the league. But other than his off feeling about the situation, it didn't seem important.

But the silence dragged on, confirming that Aizawa was right to have felt something off about the situation.

"And that's why you're here, Mr. Aizawa." Kono said, turning back to him. "What orders was he given?".

The teacher thought back to the previous night. "First he asked me for 'permission to eliminate the threat'. When no one responded he changed it to 'permission to engage the enemy in combat'. That was when Mandalay stepped in and granted him permission to go ahead and do so." He recounted.

The atmosphere remained tense. Hawks' face was screwed into a near grimace and Hound Dog looked stressed.

"We anticipated something similar to this would eventually happen." Hound Dog said eventually, "Just not now or like this. In your line of work I'm sure you've seen severe PTSD before. It...changes a person.".

That was something Aizawa knew about. He thought he'd never learn exactly why Oyama was so...troubled, but he figured he would today.

"So these orders, he'll follow them no matter what?" Kono asked. He didn't sound insensitive, in fact he sounded a little worried.

"Yes." Hound Dog said, "They were given to him by an authority figure, he'll follow them until they're complete. As we speak he's probably tracking down Bakugou and the league.".

"Why?" Aizawa couldn't stop himself from asking. "What about Oyama makes you all think he's being obedient and isn't just lost in the woods?".

Once again the room fell into silence. Aizawa gritted his teeth.

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