32: (Cute) Mistakes Were Made

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POV you're checking your notifications after celebrating 1000 followers 😅

Seriously tho I don't think I've ever had this many notifications before. Thank you all so much for reading and enjoying my work! I feel like we partied hard for that achievement! 

(Well, as hard as people can over Wattpad at night for a fanficion. You know what I mean) 

(P.S I took this screenshot hours ago and there were another 100 notifications by then so the 600 notifications is implied 😅) 


"Sanyu, why didn't you tell us?".

The boy shifted awkwardly in his chair. "I didn't want you to worry.".

"Well we're worried now." Tao said, exasperated. "This isn't a joke or something to be ignored.".

"It hasn't affected me before." Sanyu protested.

"The symptoms of this are serious for this Sanyu. We've noticed some of them in you." Tao continued, "Keigo could have helped you this whole time.".

"I didn't..." He mumbled, "I didn't want any of the treatments Dr. Tenma offered. Medication...".

"I know." Tao said empathetically. "We're not going to make you do anything, we promise.". Sanyu was glad it had been the people he trusted the most to find this out.

"You were diagnosed with chronic pain." Keigo said, "I know you don't have to tell us, but it would have been nice to hear it from you or Dr. Tenma herself rather than the diagnosis papers and notification that you haven't called her about it like you were supposed to.".

Sanyu shifted guiltily in his chair. "Technically she said it was 'chronic pain adjacent'. It's not constant or anything, just sometimes.". The two men softened.

"We're not mad or anything like that." Tao assured him, "Just worried. You've been through so much and you've already got so many things to tackle.".

"That's why I didn't want you guys to know." Sanyu said honestly, "I ignore it but you guys can't. And you're not even the ones experiencing it, so it shouldn't matter.".

"We're not going to let you go through all that pain without at least trying to help." Keigo said, "We're heroes, all we do is help.".

"Technically speaking I'm on hiatus." Tao interjected, "But I'm with him on this one.".

"I don't want the treatments she talked about." Sanyu said, sounding nervous. "I-I can't be on pills all the time I-don't make me please.".

"Aish, kid don't worry." Keigo said, putting his hand on Sanyu's shoulder. "We're not going to make you do anything you don't want to. In fact, I've got a harmless idea you'll really like. Tao's got one too, we're going to test them both and see which one works better.".

"What if neither of them work?" Sanyu asked. He didn't want medication, especially pain medication. He didn't know much about it but he knew it could be addictive. He already had PTSD, he was 'predisposed' to becoming addicted to anything, according to Inue. He couldn't do that.

But they said it was harmless, and it was Tao and Keigo. He trusted them.

-------- -------- -------- -------- --------- ------- --------- ---------

The following Saturday Keigo got home at 2 pm from a very special excursion. Miruko had graciously helped him secure the 'goods' and all the necessary equipment for it.

His plan was perfect.

Just as he finished setting everything up, the door opened. He turned around with a wide smile, expecting Sanyu.

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