That hit like lightning

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Percys pov

I slipped on my camp half blood shirt and walked out of my cabin. Yesterday a new camper came and everyone odours him. Jason stayed glued to him at all times. I know that Jason must be excited about having a brother but he is ignoring Thaila. "Hi, seaweed brain"Annabeth said looping our arms together. "Hi, wise girl" I said. She was wearing ripped shorts, her chb shirt and her hair was in a high ponie tail. "How did you sleep?" I asked. "Terrible, all my siblings were up all night talking about Nick" Annabeth said as we walked to the arena to spar. "Just don't worry about it" I said as Piper ran up to us.
"Guys," she yelled out of breath, "Jason in muniplating all the younger kids who came after the war with Gaia, they all hate you percy, they blame every problem on you, I heard him last night as I was going to his cabin". "Why", Is all I could say. "He's jelous thats why, I'm going to go give him a piece of my fist" Annabeth said as we made our way to the gate. I ran my hands through my hair and grabbed Annabeths arms stopping her from making a bad decision. "Lets give him another chance" I said. Piper rolled her eyes and Annabeth said "always loyale". I smiled as we walked into the arena.
Multiple people were pratcing in the arena at the time. Me and Annabeth headed over to the only open space left and got into our positions. "Someone's staring" she wisperd to me. I turned around and watched as Jason quickly moved his head to face the camper he was fighting against.. "Whatever" I mumbled. I directed my foucus back to Annabeth. After a intense stare down Annabeth lunged forward. One thing to know while fighting, don't make the first move. I sidestepped and brought my foot under her. She triped and feel face first. I put my sword to her neck and my knees on hef stomacke. "Yeild" I said suprised I actually defeated her. Before she could reaponed something tapped me on the shoulder.
I wirled around riptide in hand and faced Jason, who didn't seem fazed to have a sword at hia throat. I capped riptide realizing there wasant any immediate danger and helped Annabeth up. "Hi Jason, what do you want" I said stuggling to keep Annabeth from hurting him. Jason smirked and leaned in, "I just wanted to know if you feel bad for all the people who died at your hands". I stumbled back a little. "What do you mean?" I asked. He took a step forward, "I mean the people that died cause they met you," he smirked "Zoe, Bianca, Selena". I pushed past him trying to block his voice but he got in front of me. "Charles, luke, Ethan, Leo" (I know it dosent follow the story line but roll with it). At this point tears were streaming down my face. I pushed past him and ran to my cabin shuting the door behind me. I curled up on my bed and let all the emotions out. It was my fault that they all died. Soon I was engulfed by the Mropheus realm.

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