I beat a camper

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Lukes pov

After the painful training lesson us warriros chilled by the beach, with our cloaks on of corse. "I wonder when Percy will get back" I said staring at the rough ocean. "Listen were sorry, we didn't even know we were posseded" Annabeth said leaning on Pipers shoulder. "Its fine we all forgive you, even Percy I think" I told her. She nodded but I don't think it helped that much. "Well he should be back soon" Charles said putting a arm around Selina. Bianca nodded sharpening more knives, what was with this girl and knives?. "Stealth!, I got a bone to pick with you" Someone behind me called.
           I turned around and so did the rest of the warriros except for Zoe, she still was sharpening knives. "What you want Jason, Nick" I stated when they struted over to us. I jumped off the rock I was sitting on and faced him. Jason scanned over all of us and took a step back when seeing Zoe's knives. " Is Torture no longer here" Jason said, stating the obvious. "You were there when he had to go into Tarturas to protect your sorry butts" I told him. Jason rolled his eyes and Nick snicketd, "We know". "May I ask again, what do you want" I told him taking a step forward. "I challenge you to a duel, tonight, whole camp will watch" Jason said. "Why ahould I?" I asked, murmors of aggrement went through the warriros. "Oh you don't have to, it will just prove how much braver and stronger than you" Jason said. "Stealth you don't have to" Piper said. "I accept, see you at the arena" I said. Jason smirked and walked away with Nick soon on his trail.
     "Hustle him, I wanna see his reaction when you totally beat him" Zoe said sharpening my dagger for me. Annabeth, Zoe, and I were standing off to one side of the arena while Jason, Nick, and Some demigod were standing off to the other the stnds were full with demigods, nymths, and satrys. The warriros were standing by the exit. "Let him attack first, then take your move-" Annabeth rambled. "I got this" I said taking by dagger from Zoe, it glistened in the pinkish glow of the setting sun. "Good luck, not like you need it" Zoe said before walking off to the rest of the warriros. "Don't kill him" Annabeth said before walking off leaving me pouting.
        "No killing, or maiming, powers are aloud" Chiron told us. Jason stood a couple feet away from me holding his coin. "If I win you have to tell Chaos himself hoq good I am" Jason declared loud enough for everyone to hear. "Deal, if I win you have to conclude that I'm better than you" I said gripping my dagger. "Fine" Jason concluded. "3....2......1.....go" Chiron said before galloping off to the side. We circled eachother for a little bit, the crowd was chearing for Jason to win. Suddenly Jason flipped his coin and flew at me, swing his blade at my chest. I side stepped and brought the back of my dagger down on his head. He stumbled but kept his footing. Jason turned around and mede the wind scircle around me trying to blow me off my feet. I didnt even move a inch. Jason came at me and tried slicing my head but I dropped down to the ground sweaping him off his feet. He fell on his back with a crack. I brought my dagger down right next to his neck, my knee down on his stumacke and my arm at his throat, a little thing Piper taught me.
         "Yeild" I asked him. "Never" Jason said trying to roll out from under me. "Yeild??" I asked again pushing my arm and my knee farther. "Fine, but next time you wont be so lucky" Jason stated when I stood up. "Luck had nothing to do with this, dear freind" I said, as he stood up. "Then how else did you beat the savior of Olympus?" Jason asked smugly. Before I coukd anwser the ground shook. Thud, birds flew out of trees. Thud, cracks started forming. "Weve got barrirer action" Clarise said running out of her seat. The campers followed her lead and ran up half blood hill. Us warriros ran after them, in formation. When we got to the top what awaited us shook my core. A army of Monsters was marching through the field, at least a couple thousands. Leading them was the titan Hyperion, wearing Golden armor his Axe clanking with every step.
        " Demigods!!, today your fighting for your home, get injured don't care, get killed walk it off, now protect your home" I shouted at the army of Demigods before letting out a battle cry, and charging the army. The demigods and warriros followed. " Alpha and I will take Hyperion the rest of you hold of the monsters" I shouted to the warriros. I looked at Annabeth in the eyes and together we charged the titan.


Again please comment how you think the book is, hope you enjoyed!!!!!

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